Thursday, December 13, 2007

Introduction - Jason Harrell

I want to introduce you to Jason Harrell. Jason is a brother in Christ into whom God is pouring His wisdom. Jason recently launched a blog site entitled: Life Notes From God. Jason is pouring out what God is pouring in. I think you'll find his posts insightful, challenging, motivating and inspiring. I invite to join his conversation and community.

The blog is located at: A link to his site is provided below.


Internet Bible Study - Chapters 10 & 11

Two new lessons have been added to the website

The Biblical account of a widow’s offertory gift of two mites is examined from the perspective of its proportional magnitude. Readers survey several Biblical accounts where individuals were willing to render their all. The decision to surrender all to the Lord always gets His attention and such giving is memorialized in scriptures.
Reference Scripture:
Mark 12:41 – 44 (widow’s mite)
Supporting Scriptures:
Genesis 22:11 – 18 (Abraham… you have not withheld from me your son)
Romans 8:31 – 32 (He who did not spare His own son)
Philippians 2: 3 – 8 (He humbled himself and became obedient to death)

Giving offertory gifts that are valuable is not enough. God wants more. Why we give is as important as what we give. This discussion reviews Jesus’ teachings about improper motives for giving. The examination explores the roles of both the individual giver and the local church in protecting the purity of our motives for giving.
Reference Scripture:
Matthew 6: 1 – 4 (acts of righteousness before men)
Supporting Scriptures:
2 Corinthians 9:7 (give what he has decided in his heart)
Genesis 3:1 – 6 (Eve wanted to be like God)
Isaiah 14: 12 – 14 (Lucifer desired to be like God)
1 John 2: 15 – 16 (pride of life)
Proverbs 16:18 (pride before destruction, haughty spirit before a fall)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Monday's Meditation - December 10, 2007 - God's Provision For Ministry

As the budget chairperson for my local church, I have observed that many Christians struggle with the quantity of church funds that are expended for the compensation of church workers and benevolence ministries. The care extended to the church staff members and the less fortunate can be viewed as poor stewardship by some believers.

Yet the familiar scripture , Malachi 3:10, still reads: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house….”

I wonder how often we consider the practical intent of that statement. The food wasn’t for ministry programs. It was for people. It was for the workers of ministry and the less fortunate. This approach was designed by God and reflects His intent for the support of ministry both then and now.

This is the first in the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Announcement - New Brochure Available

I have published a new companion brochure for the Monday's Meditation Podcast entitled "God’s Provision For Ministry". The podcast itself will be published tomorrow. This is the first in the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

There are now 14 downloadable brochures available for your private or ministry use. They are free! Take advantage of this resource to help spread the message.

Thanks for your prayers and support!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Praise Report From India

I received the message below from the Indian Theological Seminary and Gilgal Gospel Mission in India. Please join me in prayer of thanksgiving that:
1) God's message is being received with gladness of heart,
2) This word would find good soil in the hearts of those whom receive it and
3) It will produce a harvest many times greater than what has been sown
(Matt. 13)


> Dear Mr. Robinson,
> I hope this note finds you and your family in good health. Thank you for the
> books you sent to India. They are being used by the village missionaries and
> our seminary students. I apologize for the delay in sending this thank you
> note but please do accept my sincere thanks on behalf of Gilgal Gospel
> Mission.
> May God bless you and the work you have undertaken. I am sure many will be
> blessed through the reading material.
> Thanks again.
> In Christ,
> Christobel Russelliah

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Monday's Meditation - Nov. 12, 2007 - The Giver's Heart

God desires to give us eternal life. However, eternal life is not measured by the length of our existence. It is measured by the depth of our relationship with the Father and the Son (John 17:3). God offers us the opportunity to give that we might experience life in Him more abundantly. He knows that we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve both God and money. When material accumulation takes an unhealthy position in our value systems, He often allows us to be confronted with that critical question of choice: “Your Money or Your Life?” Sadly, when faced with that choice, many believers respond “I’m thinking”.

Today’s episode is the final episode in the series affirming the importance of what our giving reveals. Our next podcast will begin the series affirming the importance of what our giving accomplishes.

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Mondays Meditation - October 31, 2007 - The Givers Reverence

Recently, I’ve been curious about the background of the Halloween tradition. Given its name, I’ve never quite understood what it was really about. The root word "hallow" means to make holy, to sanctify, to set apart for God. Although the costumes, candy, dunking for apples and carving of pumpkins may be fun, our celebrations often do not make clear what (if anything) is being hallowed. While I considered those thoughts, Deuteronomy 14: 22&23 came to mind. This passage begins with an instruction that could easily be paraphrased “Be sure to hallow a tithe of all you produce each year” and the passage ends by explaining the purpose “ so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always”. Reflecting on this passage, I realized that our reverence for the Lord is enhanced as we hallow our offertory gifts to Him. As I think about offertory giving in our churches today, I wonder how often givers consider their gifts as holy, sanctified, specifically set apart for God. I wonder if our approach to giving helps us to learn to reverence the Lord. I wonder, if as with Halloween, many of us have lost sight of the intent and therefore fail to fulfill God’s intended purpose for our giving.

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what our giving reveals.

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Monday's Meditation - October 08,2007 - The Giver's Stewardship

Jesus begins the parable regarding an unjust steward ( Luke 16) with a master telling his servant that the servant must give an account of his stewardship. Like that servant , a day of reckoning will come for each of us. On that day, our deeds will declare our allegiance and answer Jesus’ implied question: Whose steward are you?

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Monday's Meditation - Sept. 24, 2007 - The Giver's Understanding of God's Ownership

Genesis records that God entrusted mankind with stewardship of the earth. The trap that mankind falls into over an over again is that we (like Nebuchadnezzar) confuse stewardship with ownership. Whatever dominion God allows us to experience represents delegated authority not a transfer of title. That which we seemingly obtained through our efforts still belongs to God. Failing to reconcile the issue of true ownership leads to confusion in our relationship with the Lord and our response to Him. When we fail to acknowledge God’s ownership, we tend to behave like we are out of our minds.

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monday's Meditation - September 10, 2007 - The Giver's Gratitude

Ten lepers stood by the side of the road, at a distance, calling in a loud voice to Jesus for mercy and grace. Ten lepers demonstrated their faith by following Jesus’ instruction that they behave as if they were healed even before their healing visibly manifested itself. Ten lepers received a miracle and yet only one returned to acknowledge his healing. Only one threw himself at Jesus’ feet. Only one used his loud voice to render praise and thanksgiving. Seeing this, Jesus asked his disciples “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?” This biblical story reminds me that each day, each one of us should consider whether we are more like the "one" or more like the "nine"?

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Internet Lesson 8 - Ritual or Relationship

Two reference scriptures are used to illustrate Jesus’ view of giving in the context of relationships. In His comments Jesus both affirms the value of giving and emphasizes the priority of nurturing relationships. The focus of the relationship building about which Jesus spoke is our human relationships. The discussion explores how the scripture intertwines the nurturing of our human relationships with the nurturing of our spiritual relationship with the Father.
Reference Scripture:
Matthew 23:23 (you have neglected the more important matters – justice,mercy)
Matthew 5: 21 – 24 (first go and be reconciled with your brother)
Supporting Scriptures:
2 Corinthians 9: 1&2, 12 – 15 (affect of Corinthian giving on others)
John 17: 1 – 3 (This is eternal life)
Matthew 22: 35 – 40 (1st & 2nd commandment love God , love neighbor)
1 John 4: 7&8; 12 – 20 (love one another, love comes from God)
John 13: 34 – 35 ( by this shall all men know you are my disciples)
John 17: 20 – 22 (Jesus’ prayer for our oneness)
2 Corinthians 9:7 (each man should give what he has decided in his heart)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Internet Lesson 7 - A Matter of Perspective

Following the discussion on ownership is an examination of perspective. Sometimes the issue is not one of true ownership but of physical possession or control. Our society has become comfortable with the assumption of ownership through physical possession. The parable of the unjust stewards is examined to shed light on God’s view of this perspective.
Reference Scripture:
Mark 12: 1 – 12 ( unfaithful stewards)
Supporting Scriptures:
1 Corinthians 4:7 (what do you have that you did not receive)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

"Time out" - September 2, 2007

I live in the Chicagoland area and suffered damage during the storm on 08/23/2007. We loss power, our backup pump (with battery) failed and 4" of water backed-up in our basement. Water is an amazing substance. The basement was finished but now its a mess. In addition, my iMac has developed a mysterious problem sustaining its connect to the internet, so I can't podcast. We aren't fretting. The damage is repairable. My family is safe, we still have our home and are conscious of God's care, even in the midst of the life's thunder showers.

The issues aren't big but they have forced me to pause. I ask for your prayers, that I may discern God's message for me during this "time out". If He is speaking, I don't want to miss what He's saying.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Monday's Meditation - August 13, 2007 - The Giver's Love

It was February of 1999. For several months, I had shared a series of instructional thoughts on giving with my local church congregation just prior to the collection of the offering during Sunday worship service. As I sought the Lord for guidance concerning what to share for the upcoming Sunday, I was drawn to the spiritual symbolism embedded in our Valentine’s Day tradition. A clear and simple principle emerged. Love gives.

In today’s episode, we begin to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday' Meditation - July 30,2007 - God's Interest In Ou Relationships With Others

It is interesting to note that God often assesses our giving by first assessing the condition of our human relationships. While we focus on our gift, He chooses to examine how we are treating one another. Even the earliest scriptural account of giving (the story of Cain & Abel) speaks not only to the issue of the acceptability of Cain’s offering but also to issues involving Cain’s relationship with God and Cain’s relationship with Abel. How ironic it is that in a story about giving, Cain asks the eternal question: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The fact is that while we may desire for our giving to be viewed and judged as an independent spiritual activity, God refuses to do so and He purposefully keeps Cain’s question ever before us even while we give.

In today’s episode, we continue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instructions to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

Receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday's Meditation - July 16, 2007 - The Giver and His Relationship With God

One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question, Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment (Matt. 22: 35-38). In this response to a question from the crowd, Jesus establishes that our highest pursuit is our love relationship with the Father. All other requirements flow from the pursuit of that relationship, even our giving.

In today’s episode, we continue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instructions to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

Receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Internet Lesson 6 - A Matter of Ownership

Our attitudes regarding giving are often influenced by our confusion over ownership. Readers are reminded that God is the creator and owner of all things. It is He who gives to us and entrusts us with stewardship. Even our offertory giving is from the storehouse of His possession.
Reference Scripture:
Psalms 24:1 (the earth is the Lord’s)
Supporting Scriptures:
1 Corinthians 6: 19 & 20 (you are not your own, you are bought with a price)
Acts 17: 28 & 29 ( we are His offspring)
Romans 8:15 (Abba Father)
Acts 17: 24 – 28 (God not served by human hands, God gives that we might seek Him and find Him)
1 Chronicles 29: 10 – 16 ( King David – we have given only what comes from your hand)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Testimony - July 3, 2007

Praise God for the following testimony from Tene who facilitated a bible study at work using one of the chapter's from the More Than The Gift Workbook:

I thank and praise God for the More Than The Gift series. The series was the focus for my job's monthly bible study topic. What a great blessing to be able to discuss, and share God's true purpose for our giving. As a result, we received a praise report from one of our bible group members..she has rededicated herself to start tithing again.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Monday's Meditation - July 2,2007 - The Gift and The Giver's Faith

There is a big difference between talking about faith and applying it. If God gave a college class in faith, it would be entitled "Applied Faith" rather than "Faith Theory". God wants faith working in every aspect of our relationship, even in our giving. As Hebrews 11: 6&7 remind us: without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

In today's podcast episode we contiinue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instruction to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Brochures Update

I've added two new brochures and changed the tag page (back page) on the original two brochures. The new brochures include a Series Introduction. In retrospect I should have done this one first. It gives an overview of the concept and should be the first brochure an adult reads. The second new brochure initiates the Kid's Series. I am very excited about helping kids to understand these concepts so that they mature as Christian with a healthy perspective on offertory giving.

There will be a new podcast on Monday, the July iternet lesson will be available shortly and more brochures will follow.

Please keep praying for us!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Journey - 06/19/2007

I want to take a moment to share that God continues to open doors for the sharing of this message. Inch-by-inch it goes forward according to his timing and his plan. Here are a few recent "God sightings":

A member of our church led a bible study at work and chose to use More Than The Gift as the study material.

Another member of our church is visiting her family in another state and is taking a bunch of brochures to pass out while she is away.

While, I was having brochures folded a Kinko's, the Kinko's employee showed unusual interest in the brochure. After a brief discussion she finally admitted that she wanted to keep a copy.

One of the parents of one of my sons soccer teammates, recently advised that He knows several people who listen to Christian Podcasts and that he would gladly spread the word regarding the presence of my podcast on the iTunes Store.

God is moving. Bit-by-bit the message is gaining momentum.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday's Meditation - June 18, 2007 - Giving To One Who Has Everything

God is spirit. He has no temporal needs. God is the creator, sustainer and owner of all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. His ownership has not diminished with time. His wealth is immeasurable. Yet, He still asks for our gifts. What could God possibly be seeking from us?

In today's podcast episode we contiinue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instruction to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Announcement - More Than The Gift Brochures Available

I have begun creating brochures that capture the content of the Monday's Meditation Podcasts. A new brochure will be produced every two weeks to coincide with the Podcast of that week for the next six months or so. The brochures are in a doubled-sided, tri-fold format and highlight the principals from the More Than The Gift Series. They are suitable for mailings, seminar handouts and exhibits of religous tracts in a church's foyer, office or library. I have prepared them as downloadable PDF files so they can be downloaded onto your computer and printed or shared by email. They are available free of charge. I encourage you to share them freely as God leads you. The link to the downloadable files are on this page under "More Than The Gift Project - Additional Resources"

Monday, June 11, 2007

Podcast Update - iTunes Store - Hallelujah!!

My Monday's Meditation Podcast is now listed on the Apple iTunes store. At the moment, only my Podcast from 06/04 is listed but there is also a link to my Podcast website which also contains the podcast I published today. THIS IS AN HUGE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE!!! Podcasting is in its infancy and I have an opportunity to establish a presence now and grow with the technology. There are only 105 Podcasts featured on the iTunes site. Apple's reach is worldwide and they are a leader in this market. THIS IS GOD'S DOING!!!

I need your help to make Monday's Meditation a featured site. The site needs traffic volume and comments. I need for everyone to visit the iTunes Store and listen to the Podcast. Please consider inviting others to the site and don't forget to make comments. Subscribing to the site allows listeners to receive an automatic notice each time I add a new episode.

If you don't have iTunes on your computer download it at:
It may ask for a credit card but this is just preregistration in case you choose to buy items from the store. Having the iTunes Store on your computer is free and the Podcast is free.

Once you're in the store simply type in "More Than the Gift" in the search box.

Keep Praying!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mondays Meditation - June 11, 2007 - God's Interest In The Giver

God had rejected his offering. Cain responded with anger and depression. What amazes me about God's counsel to Cain is what God did not say. Have you ever noticed that God didn't say anything specifically about Cain's offering? Have you ever wondered why?

In today's podcast episode we begin to examine why I believe that eveh though God gives us scriptural instruction to give offertory gits, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Journey - 06/03/2007

So far this weekend, the blog has received hits from Mansfield,Ohio; Vancouver, Washington; Albany,New York; Canada; Portual and Japan. Praise God for His word going forth. Let it accomplish what He purposes. Amen!


Monday's Meditation - Monday June 4, 2007 - Introduction

Monday's Meditation is the podcast segments of the More Than The Gift series. These podcast episodes will offer the audience weekly observations intended to help the listeners reflect on God's plan and purposes for our giving in the context of our relationship with Him, other believers and the world. It is my prayer that such reflection will influence the motives, methods and magnitudes of the audience's giving.

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Annoucement - More Than The Gift Podcast

Think: WORLDWIDE!!! Today I published the first Podcast for the More Than The Gift Project. PRAISE THE LORD!!! A Podcast is a digital broadcast on the internet. At this point the Podcast is audio only, but you never know where God will lead us next.

Initially the Podcast is only accessible at:
A link to the Podcast has been added to this page for your convenience.

You will need "QuickTime Player" to listen to the Podcast. You can download it for free at:

If you are a user of Internet Explorer, you may receive an error message regarding the audio "plug-in". If this happens, you'll need to use an alternative web browser to access the Podcast. A link to download the Firefox Web Browser is contained within the Podcast itself (just in case you need it). The Podcast works on Firefox.

However I have also submitted the Podcast to Apple's iTunes Store and I'm awaiting word regarding its inclusion in the iTunes inventoy of free Podcasts. Use of the iTunes Store avoids the Internet Explorer problem and thousands (if not millions) of people visit the iTunes site weekly.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Internet Lesson 5 - An Uncomfortable Question and Answer

The reader is asked to consider the weight of God’s question “Will a man rob God” and its answer. The reference scripture shows God’s view that Israel’s pattern of giving was reflective of their fellowship with Him. God’s call for offertory giving was not an end unto itself but rather a method of drawing His people unto Himself.

Reference Scripture:
Malachi 3: 6 – 8 (Will a man rob God)

Click on the link to the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Internet Lesson 4 - God's Plan In Action - An Example of Reciprocal Benefit

While the workers and work of the ministry are beneficiaries of the tangible substance of offertory giving, its full impact is intended by God to be more far reaching. The benefit is intended to be reciprocal. An examination of the Biblical account of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath demonstrates how God uses giving to establish a relationship of mutual benefit between His ministry and the recipients of ministry efforts.
Reference Scripture:
1 Kings 17: 1 – 23 ( Elijah and the widow)
Supporting Scriptures:
Luke 12: 15 – 21 (Rich fool)
Luke 10: 1 – 9 ( Jesus send the 72, take no purse, eat what they give you)

Click on the link to the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Journey - 04/09/2007

The message continues to spread. This week we had new blogsite visitors from California, Malaysia and Australia. I pray with confidence that as this word goes forth it is accomplishing what God intends. I know that this subject matter is not a popular one but I am certain of my call to help broaden the conversation in the body regarding giving. This is the message I have been given. I will be a faithful steward of this sacred gift. I thank God for the encouragement of His activity and presence and your support.

As you read this, I ask that you consider whether God is calling you to a particular role in this ministry effort. I'm appreciative of your sharing your time with me and I'm not personally asking any greater commitment from you. Yet, I also believe that God has called and is calling forth"voices" to aid in spreading this message, "facilitators" to open doors for this message to go forth, "prayer warriors" to under gird and keep the project grounded and on mission,"questioners" to help purify and clarify the message, "encouragers" to keep us uplifted and moving forward and "hands" to provide help as help is needed.

If you are hearing His voice let me know.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Annoucement - 04/02/2007

With the latest link, I'd like to introduce you to the music of Stephen and Woola LaFlora. I have known Stephen for the past 6 years as the Executive Director of New Direction Outreach (a residential home and school of troubled and behaviorally challenged youth). During that time Stephen has rarely spoken of his music. However, I have had the opportunity to witness his tremendous gift and that of his wife, Woola. While their music speaks for itself. I thought I'd add my 2 cents by passing it along. May it bless and refresh you.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Journey - 04/01/2007

I was caught off guard as some of you extended offers of financial support to sponsor the donation of 50 workbooks to Indian Theological Seminary in India. My dear friend and employer, Matthew Cooper, has even offered use of his color printing and binding equipment to produce all 50 copies. Others of you have inquired regarding the mechanism for extending general financial support for this ministry effort. I wasn't seeking nor expecting this particular expression of your love. I praise God for your support and generous spirits, but I must think these things through prayerfully. I must admit that it has always been far easier for me to give than for me to receive but I need to be discerning regarding God's will and purposes. I constantly say that this isn't about me and it may seem strange but I never considered (until now) that God might choose to demonstrate the principles of workbook by moving in the hearts of people to contribute financial support to its creation and distribution. Pray with on this with me. For certain, I need to establish a financial infrastructure and processes to transact business involving the project.

The breadth of the project continues to unfold. Last month, Dr. Ray Charles noted that the project may take on the flavor of "Chicken Soup For The Soul" in that customized offerings are developed for target audiences. More and more that vision seems appropriate. For example, I like having the freedom to create a customized seminar workbook for an individual church or para-church organization based on their needs in lieu of forcing them to acquire the entire manuscript. I also don't feel led to simply develop a kids' version of the workbook by simply substituting kid friendly language. Maybe the kids' version involves a series of original stories that convey the principles. Maybe we should develop companion scripture memory cards for the reference scriptures from which the principles are drawn. Cheri Hawkins suggested a "Veggie Tales" type movie to convey the principles (nothing is too hard for God). Tony Daniels and Rose Clark suggested while some people may never read a workbook they might embrace listening to the material on tape or CD. As an offshoot of that suggestion, I am also researching the methodology for converting the short talks I give on Sunday mornings to an audio and/or video podcast to make available on the SBC website, my blogg, youtube and the iTunes Store. I'm also aware that I need to be prepared to give presentations or conduct/facilitate seminars/classes.


In all this, I am simply seeking God's leading. It's His project not mine!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Internet Lesson 3 - God's Plan For The Financial Support of His Ministry

Tithes and offerings are discussed as God’s plan for the support of ministry efforts and ministry workers. However, in God’s financial plan, the Lord must always be the focus of the giving. The work and workers of ministry are His designated beneficiaries of the tangible gift. Emphasis is given to the fact that tithes and offerings as a pattern of giving to the Lord preceded Judaism as a religion and the Mosaic Law as a religious practice and still remains relevant for the Christian Church.
Reference Scripture:
Malachi 3:10 (Bring all the tithes)
Supporting Scriptures:
Leviticus 4 (sin offering)
Exodus 30: 11-16 (ransom offering)
Numbers 18:20-24 ( 1st tithe – ministry support)
Deuteronomy 14:22-26 (2nd tithe – pilgrimage)
Deuteronomy 26:12 & 14: 28-29 (3rd tithe – benevolence)
Malachi 3:8 (will a man rob God)
Exodus 25 (freewill offering – tabernacle)
2 Chronicles 7 ( freewill offering Solomon)
Hebrews 9:11 – 10:18 (Christ’ death all sufficient offering for our sins)
Genesis 14: 14 – 20 ( Abram’s tithe)
Genesis 28:10 – 22 ( Jacob’s tithe)
Matthew 23:23 (Jesus’ sanction of tithing)
Leviticus 27:30 & 32 (tithe belongs to God)
Deuteronomy 14:22 – 23 (so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God)
Numbers 18: 20 – 24 (Levites received no inheritance in the promised land)
Deuteronomy 14: 27 – 29 ( remember the Levites who have no inheritance)
Numbers 18: 8 -20 (offerings given to the Levites)
Matthew 25: 31 – 46 (Jesus’ priority on the less fortunate – sheep & goats)
1Corintians 9: 13 – 14 ( those who preach the gospel should live of the gospel)
2 Corinthians 9: 7 (cheerful giver)
2 Corinthians 9: 12 - 13 (Men will praise God for their obedience and sharing)

Click on the link to the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. Invite a family member or friend to join you! This is the worldwideweb. Invite someone from another state or another country!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Announcement - New Blog

This week my niece, Tamara, launched a new blog entitled "My Time To Deal With It". Through it Tamara will seek to minister to the hidden places, those secret places in our lives. God is using her to call us from the darkness into his marvelous light. I am creating a link from my blog site to hers. I encourage you to visit her site: I believe you will be blessed.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Journey - 03/22/2007

Praise God! The workbook was drafted using the "NIV" translation of scripture. I just received authorization for use of "NIV" text at no charge. I was fearful I would have to use multiple translations of scripture to avoid paying royalties. I really didn't want the choice of translation to be driven by financial factors and I didn't look forward to searching for alternate translations for each scriptural text. Now I avoid that task. Praise God Again!

There's more:

Rev. Dr. Chelliah Russelliah, President of Gilgal Gospel Mission and Indian Theological Seminary, has requested a donation of 50 copies of "More Than The Gift". Twenty-five copies to be given as graduation gifts to the 2007 graduating class and twenty-five copies to be placed in the library of the seminary. Please pray as God guides me how best to meet the request. Kinkos printing and binding costs are expensive. The most cost effective approach may be to burn PDF versions on CD's (some of you have seen the prototype). However, I don't know whether computers are readily available to the students and graduates at the seminary in India. I have no doubt that God has the answer. I simply need to seek Him.

I want you to expect the impossible regarding this project. This is a "God Thing", it's not about me. As we respond to God's leading, there are no limitations or boundaries to His activity and power. While,I am humbled by God's willingness to use "even me", I am not surprised that God is moving to accomplish His purposes. I expect even greater things to occur.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Journey - 03/06/2007

Yesterday, someone from Bogota, Columbia spent time reviewing the Blog. That's exciting! Praise God! I believe this message is intended for the world and that as it goes forth it will accomplish what He intends. I understand that not everyone will see what I see or accept what I have received, but the message will create a conversation within the body that will be healthy for the church. I know what I've received up to this point, but the fullness of the revelation is still unfolding.

The essence of the message is this:

God is interested in more than just our gifts (offerings), he is interested in our relationship with Him. While the relationship is the priority, the gift itself matters because of what it reveals and what it accomplishes.

The bible studies help the readers:
1) discover the scripture's revelation of the priority of our relationship over the gift itself,
2) explore what our giving reveals about that relationship and
3) examine how our giving helps accomplish God's purposes and will.

The challenge is to respond to the message, that our giving may lead to a deeper, fuller relationship with the Lord.

I'm not pursuing my own will in this matter, I simply want to be obedient to my assignment and a faithful steward of my calling. Amen!

Come Blog with me. Don't just look, join the conversation. Invite others to do so.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Internet Lesson 2 - A Love Problem

This chapter discusses the traditions surrounding Valentine’s Day and then draws parallels to Christian practices in offertory giving. It suggests the premise that our relationship with God is a love affair and that giving is a fundamental expression of love. Trouble in our attitudes toward offertory giving reflects problems in our love relationship with God.
Reference Scripture:
John 3:16
Supporting Scriptures:
Mt. 20:28 (Jesus gave his life)
John 15: 13 (greatest love – give life for friend)
Ephesians 5:25 (husbands love wives like Christ who gave himself for the church)
Romans 8:32 (God gave his son for us)

Click on the link to the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website to review the full text of the lesson.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Internet Lesson 1 - The Acceptable Offering

The opening chapter examines the Biblical account of the offertory giving of Cain and Abel. The discussion introduces the concept that God uses offertory giving as an opportunity for us to examine the state of our relationship with Him and that our response to the call to give an acceptable gift provides a mirror that reflects the relationship’s health. This lays the foundation for the book’s focus on Biblical guidance regarding giving that simultaneously guides us to a deeper relationship with God.
Reference Scripture:
Gen. 4: 3 – 8 (Cain and Abel)
Supporting Scriptures:
Mt.7: 9 – 11 (Good Gifts)
Gen. 4: 13 – 14 (Cain hidden from God’s presence)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Internet Lessons - Overview

We are posting one chapter from the workbook each month on the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website: We will also post a chapter summary on this blog when a new lesson is available at the website. This blog will be used to capture the questions, comments and testimonies from the monthly lessons.

Click on the word "comment" below to ask a question or make a comment regarding the principles set forth in the lesson. While we are encouraging a public dialogue, private emails can also be sent by clicking on the picture of the envelop instead of the word "comment".

If you desire to receive an automatic notification each time this blogg is update, click the subscription link at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Journey - 01/10/2007

The new year brings with it new possibilities. I'm excited and prayerful. During last fall I became increasingly sensitive to the issues of God's timing and direction. During the summer I reached out for input from my support team but with the exception of the "book discussion" I received a strange collective silence. I wasn't discouraged, just very curious. I sensed that God was "up to something" and wanted my attention. My confidence in the message did not waiver but I felt compelled not to "force" things. I wanted Him to prompt the next moves. In the interim, I expanded the questions following each chapter and decided to characterize the manuscript as a workbook. Calling it a "workbook" instead of a "book" seemed more descriptive of the interactive format I intended. While I continued to edit the manuscript, I chose to delay approaching any additional agents or publishers but instead watched and listened for opportunities and avenues for the unpublished message to go forth.

As we enter 2007 several possibilities have emerged. Conversations are taking place with potential ministry partners about collaboration in communicating the message. The interesting thing is that those conversations will be initiated by individuals other than myself. One of the things I've watched for is whether others would be moved to share the message. I've wanted to see God's activity in others regarding the spreading of the truths He has revealed to me. The partners I'm seeking are church and para-church institutions/organizations that believe in the message, have a constituency with whom to share it and demonstrate a willingness to do so.

In January those conversations will include a Chicago-based Bible Institute, an India-based mission and seminary, a spiritual coach and a national denominational convention. I believe that group study is ideal for cultivating the message. The diversity of the potential partnerships leaves me in awe. We will not be presumptuous but will watch where God leads. Whether formal partnerships emerge or not, I have no doubt that the conversations will be beneficial.

To do's include: 1) Securing copyright permission for the dominate scripture translation used for the quoted scripture verses, 2) Drafting a ministry partner licensing agreement and 3) Developing a logistical strategy for the production and delivery of copies of the manuscript to remote locations (based on the needs of potential ministry partners).

In addition, two potential publishers have been identified that I will target next. January will be a busy month.