Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Journey - 04/01/2007

I was caught off guard as some of you extended offers of financial support to sponsor the donation of 50 workbooks to Indian Theological Seminary in India. My dear friend and employer, Matthew Cooper, has even offered use of his color printing and binding equipment to produce all 50 copies. Others of you have inquired regarding the mechanism for extending general financial support for this ministry effort. I wasn't seeking nor expecting this particular expression of your love. I praise God for your support and generous spirits, but I must think these things through prayerfully. I must admit that it has always been far easier for me to give than for me to receive but I need to be discerning regarding God's will and purposes. I constantly say that this isn't about me and it may seem strange but I never considered (until now) that God might choose to demonstrate the principles of workbook by moving in the hearts of people to contribute financial support to its creation and distribution. Pray with on this with me. For certain, I need to establish a financial infrastructure and processes to transact business involving the project.

The breadth of the project continues to unfold. Last month, Dr. Ray Charles noted that the project may take on the flavor of "Chicken Soup For The Soul" in that customized offerings are developed for target audiences. More and more that vision seems appropriate. For example, I like having the freedom to create a customized seminar workbook for an individual church or para-church organization based on their needs in lieu of forcing them to acquire the entire manuscript. I also don't feel led to simply develop a kids' version of the workbook by simply substituting kid friendly language. Maybe the kids' version involves a series of original stories that convey the principles. Maybe we should develop companion scripture memory cards for the reference scriptures from which the principles are drawn. Cheri Hawkins suggested a "Veggie Tales" type movie to convey the principles (nothing is too hard for God). Tony Daniels and Rose Clark suggested while some people may never read a workbook they might embrace listening to the material on tape or CD. As an offshoot of that suggestion, I am also researching the methodology for converting the short talks I give on Sunday mornings to an audio and/or video podcast to make available on the SBC website, my blogg, youtube and the iTunes Store. I'm also aware that I need to be prepared to give presentations or conduct/facilitate seminars/classes.


In all this, I am simply seeking God's leading. It's His project not mine!

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