Thursday, June 28, 2007

Brochures Update

I've added two new brochures and changed the tag page (back page) on the original two brochures. The new brochures include a Series Introduction. In retrospect I should have done this one first. It gives an overview of the concept and should be the first brochure an adult reads. The second new brochure initiates the Kid's Series. I am very excited about helping kids to understand these concepts so that they mature as Christian with a healthy perspective on offertory giving.

There will be a new podcast on Monday, the July iternet lesson will be available shortly and more brochures will follow.

Please keep praying for us!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Journey - 06/19/2007

I want to take a moment to share that God continues to open doors for the sharing of this message. Inch-by-inch it goes forward according to his timing and his plan. Here are a few recent "God sightings":

A member of our church led a bible study at work and chose to use More Than The Gift as the study material.

Another member of our church is visiting her family in another state and is taking a bunch of brochures to pass out while she is away.

While, I was having brochures folded a Kinko's, the Kinko's employee showed unusual interest in the brochure. After a brief discussion she finally admitted that she wanted to keep a copy.

One of the parents of one of my sons soccer teammates, recently advised that He knows several people who listen to Christian Podcasts and that he would gladly spread the word regarding the presence of my podcast on the iTunes Store.

God is moving. Bit-by-bit the message is gaining momentum.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday's Meditation - June 18, 2007 - Giving To One Who Has Everything

God is spirit. He has no temporal needs. God is the creator, sustainer and owner of all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. His ownership has not diminished with time. His wealth is immeasurable. Yet, He still asks for our gifts. What could God possibly be seeking from us?

In today's podcast episode we contiinue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instruction to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Announcement - More Than The Gift Brochures Available

I have begun creating brochures that capture the content of the Monday's Meditation Podcasts. A new brochure will be produced every two weeks to coincide with the Podcast of that week for the next six months or so. The brochures are in a doubled-sided, tri-fold format and highlight the principals from the More Than The Gift Series. They are suitable for mailings, seminar handouts and exhibits of religous tracts in a church's foyer, office or library. I have prepared them as downloadable PDF files so they can be downloaded onto your computer and printed or shared by email. They are available free of charge. I encourage you to share them freely as God leads you. The link to the downloadable files are on this page under "More Than The Gift Project - Additional Resources"

Monday, June 11, 2007

Podcast Update - iTunes Store - Hallelujah!!

My Monday's Meditation Podcast is now listed on the Apple iTunes store. At the moment, only my Podcast from 06/04 is listed but there is also a link to my Podcast website which also contains the podcast I published today. THIS IS AN HUGE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP SPREAD THE MESSAGE!!! Podcasting is in its infancy and I have an opportunity to establish a presence now and grow with the technology. There are only 105 Podcasts featured on the iTunes site. Apple's reach is worldwide and they are a leader in this market. THIS IS GOD'S DOING!!!

I need your help to make Monday's Meditation a featured site. The site needs traffic volume and comments. I need for everyone to visit the iTunes Store and listen to the Podcast. Please consider inviting others to the site and don't forget to make comments. Subscribing to the site allows listeners to receive an automatic notice each time I add a new episode.

If you don't have iTunes on your computer download it at:
It may ask for a credit card but this is just preregistration in case you choose to buy items from the store. Having the iTunes Store on your computer is free and the Podcast is free.

Once you're in the store simply type in "More Than the Gift" in the search box.

Keep Praying!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mondays Meditation - June 11, 2007 - God's Interest In The Giver

God had rejected his offering. Cain responded with anger and depression. What amazes me about God's counsel to Cain is what God did not say. Have you ever noticed that God didn't say anything specifically about Cain's offering? Have you ever wondered why?

In today's podcast episode we begin to examine why I believe that eveh though God gives us scriptural instruction to give offertory gits, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Journey - 06/03/2007

So far this weekend, the blog has received hits from Mansfield,Ohio; Vancouver, Washington; Albany,New York; Canada; Portual and Japan. Praise God for His word going forth. Let it accomplish what He purposes. Amen!


Monday's Meditation - Monday June 4, 2007 - Introduction

Monday's Meditation is the podcast segments of the More Than The Gift series. These podcast episodes will offer the audience weekly observations intended to help the listeners reflect on God's plan and purposes for our giving in the context of our relationship with Him, other believers and the world. It is my prayer that such reflection will influence the motives, methods and magnitudes of the audience's giving.

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Annoucement - More Than The Gift Podcast

Think: WORLDWIDE!!! Today I published the first Podcast for the More Than The Gift Project. PRAISE THE LORD!!! A Podcast is a digital broadcast on the internet. At this point the Podcast is audio only, but you never know where God will lead us next.

Initially the Podcast is only accessible at:
A link to the Podcast has been added to this page for your convenience.

You will need "QuickTime Player" to listen to the Podcast. You can download it for free at:

If you are a user of Internet Explorer, you may receive an error message regarding the audio "plug-in". If this happens, you'll need to use an alternative web browser to access the Podcast. A link to download the Firefox Web Browser is contained within the Podcast itself (just in case you need it). The Podcast works on Firefox.

However I have also submitted the Podcast to Apple's iTunes Store and I'm awaiting word regarding its inclusion in the iTunes inventoy of free Podcasts. Use of the iTunes Store avoids the Internet Explorer problem and thousands (if not millions) of people visit the iTunes site weekly.