Thursday, May 24, 2007

Internet Lesson 5 - An Uncomfortable Question and Answer

The reader is asked to consider the weight of God’s question “Will a man rob God” and its answer. The reference scripture shows God’s view that Israel’s pattern of giving was reflective of their fellowship with Him. God’s call for offertory giving was not an end unto itself but rather a method of drawing His people unto Himself.

Reference Scripture:
Malachi 3: 6 – 8 (Will a man rob God)

Click on the link to the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website to review the full text of the lesson.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Internet Lesson 4 - God's Plan In Action - An Example of Reciprocal Benefit

While the workers and work of the ministry are beneficiaries of the tangible substance of offertory giving, its full impact is intended by God to be more far reaching. The benefit is intended to be reciprocal. An examination of the Biblical account of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath demonstrates how God uses giving to establish a relationship of mutual benefit between His ministry and the recipients of ministry efforts.
Reference Scripture:
1 Kings 17: 1 – 23 ( Elijah and the widow)
Supporting Scriptures:
Luke 12: 15 – 21 (Rich fool)
Luke 10: 1 – 9 ( Jesus send the 72, take no purse, eat what they give you)

Click on the link to the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.