Monday, June 16, 2008

Next Project Phase

Now that the workbook has gone to press, I can give more attention to the next project. I am working on a book comprised of excerpts from the podcasts. I am using a devotional format rather than a workbook format. While the material is essentially the same, the target audience is different. Some people will read a devotional piece who wouldn’t tackle a workbook. My observation is that many of the people who have advanced copies of the workbook, haven’t actually written answers to the questions. Ultimately, the workbook may be used more by church leaders and teachers while the podcast book may be more readily embraced by individual believers. At any rate, my job is to follow the instructions that I’m receiving. God will do the rest.

The podcast book is organized around the central themes that God revealed to me from the workbook and will be a “quick read”. The themes are:

God is interested in more than just our gift
The gift is still important because of what it reveals and
The gift is important because of what it accomplishes

I may add one more theme. The completion of the book is contingent on my progress in doing additional podcasts. Pray for my productivity.

P.S. I’m researching whether I can be a speaker at the Urban Ministries Conference in Chicago (Fall 2008). Pray for God’s leading and blessing.



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