Friday, December 23, 2011

The Gift of Worship

The Christmas season offers a great context to consider our offertory giving. On Christmas Day we celebrate God's gift to mankind. However, in addition to the gift of His son, God granted another gift. He extended the opportunity for us to recognize who Jesus is and respond to Him. In the biblical record we see this gift received by the shepherds, by Simeon and the Magi. Each responded in their our way; the shepherds responded with witness, Simeon with praise and the Magi with worship.

The response of the Magi seems particularly instructive in respect to our giving. The Magi's acknowledgement of who Jesus is led them to extend themselves in worship. They extended themselves beyond the point of personal convenience. Their worship extended beyond simply verbal expression. They extended their physical selves and their physical possessions. They saw a connection between their worship and their giving. Their giving was an extension of their worship, not a separate activity. Their giving flowed from their worship.

This year, let Christmas remind each of us of that wonderful connection. Let us extend our offertory giving beyond the content of the gift. Give more than the gift. Give worship!

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