Thursday, March 01, 2007

Internet Lesson 2 - A Love Problem

This chapter discusses the traditions surrounding Valentine’s Day and then draws parallels to Christian practices in offertory giving. It suggests the premise that our relationship with God is a love affair and that giving is a fundamental expression of love. Trouble in our attitudes toward offertory giving reflects problems in our love relationship with God.
Reference Scripture:
John 3:16
Supporting Scriptures:
Mt. 20:28 (Jesus gave his life)
John 15: 13 (greatest love – give life for friend)
Ephesians 5:25 (husbands love wives like Christ who gave himself for the church)
Romans 8:32 (God gave his son for us)

Click on the link to the Second Baptist Church of Wheaton website to review the full text of the lesson.


Anonymous said...

I am moved to share a testimony that I believe through the lessons of this book that God has used as an instrument to touch my financial status. I am a divorced, single parent and I've had my bouts with bad credit, making ends meet going from a two income, too one. I just recently paid-off my car, which now I'm getting all kinds of offers in the mail about obtaining credit cards. I thank God for this avenue he has used to caused me to activate his word in giving. When coming in aligned with God, you can't help but to obtain his blessings that will blow your mind.

Larry said...

Praise God for your testimony. As we respond to God through our giving, we will experience God's faithfulness to His word. There are blessings that flow from our responsiveness to God. They are a natural consequence based on His nature and the promises contained in His word.

Yet, I encourage you to look beneath the surface of the material blessing to discover what else God is doing to and for you and those around you through your giving. Meditate on that and share again.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for your response. Let me be blatantly honest though... initially I didn't thank-you. When I first read your response, I said to myself, he's speaking as though I don't recognized, or appreciate the workings of God outside of the manifestation (the payoff of the car). I've even re-read your response periodically, just not knowing how to reply...until now. The whole time not realizing that God was doing a even greater work in me...until now. I really don't know if there is a limitation on how much I can write on this blog, but here I go...Let me start out by saying what I see as the greater work God is doing in me...I've had this situation where I can identify the move of God in my life within myself, but when it comes to expressing the move too others (verbally or written form) it's been like a road blockage in my brain. Similiar to writers block for a writer. So I thank-you God for this being one avenue of expression to help me get delievered. So what you've been having us repeat.."It's about more than the Gift, it's about the relationship, but the gift is important..." is a God sent. The pay-off of the car was a miracle, and it was important for me to share that testimony with others, but my relationship with the miracle worker (God) is even more important. My motives for giving has changed. I no longer give to get. I no longer give just because, that is what God requires of me to do, or the right thing to do. I give because of my love for Christ and I give to others as an expression of my love for Christ and them. I give not expecting anything in return. I know about the law of sowing and reaping and that it's activated when giving. But when doing for others, I have the mentality of sacrifical giving. Let not the motive in my giving be the expectation of getting. Let me follow the example of Jesus Christ, that because he loved us so much he died for us, already knowing that we could never repay him, but that his greater reward would come from his Father. God gave me this family vision for 2007 at the beginning of the year...too look for ways to help others even if we aren't repaid..because of the love of Christ in us. Seeing the bigger picture. So I've said all that to say this... I praise God for the pay-off of my Car. And I share this testimony not to boast about anything I've done, but to boast about the miraclous hand of the Master. Taking me from point A to point B, I give him the glory. Taking me from bad credit to good credit, I give him the glory. And then letting others know that if he did it for me, he can do it for you. Do what God has required of us to do, not out of necessity but out love. Give yourself permission to be blessed, regardless of where you are or where you've been. God will do it, and be sure to share the move of God with others. Amen

Larry said...

Your comments bring great joy to my heart, but more importantly they give witness to God's care for both your temporal and spiritual needs and bring glory to His name. I believed you had more to share, I just wanted for us to hear it. It is important that members of the body of Christ begin broadened our conversation to give witness to how God is nuturing us and growing us while He takes care of us. That is what this blog is about. Thank you for your willingness to share and your wiilingness to give.