Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Journey - 03/06/2007

Yesterday, someone from Bogota, Columbia spent time reviewing the Blog. That's exciting! Praise God! I believe this message is intended for the world and that as it goes forth it will accomplish what He intends. I understand that not everyone will see what I see or accept what I have received, but the message will create a conversation within the body that will be healthy for the church. I know what I've received up to this point, but the fullness of the revelation is still unfolding.

The essence of the message is this:

God is interested in more than just our gifts (offerings), he is interested in our relationship with Him. While the relationship is the priority, the gift itself matters because of what it reveals and what it accomplishes.

The bible studies help the readers:
1) discover the scripture's revelation of the priority of our relationship over the gift itself,
2) explore what our giving reveals about that relationship and
3) examine how our giving helps accomplish God's purposes and will.

The challenge is to respond to the message, that our giving may lead to a deeper, fuller relationship with the Lord.

I'm not pursuing my own will in this matter, I simply want to be obedient to my assignment and a faithful steward of my calling. Amen!

Come Blog with me. Don't just look, join the conversation. Invite others to do so.

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