Monday, April 09, 2007

The Journey - 04/09/2007

The message continues to spread. This week we had new blogsite visitors from California, Malaysia and Australia. I pray with confidence that as this word goes forth it is accomplishing what God intends. I know that this subject matter is not a popular one but I am certain of my call to help broaden the conversation in the body regarding giving. This is the message I have been given. I will be a faithful steward of this sacred gift. I thank God for the encouragement of His activity and presence and your support.

As you read this, I ask that you consider whether God is calling you to a particular role in this ministry effort. I'm appreciative of your sharing your time with me and I'm not personally asking any greater commitment from you. Yet, I also believe that God has called and is calling forth"voices" to aid in spreading this message, "facilitators" to open doors for this message to go forth, "prayer warriors" to under gird and keep the project grounded and on mission,"questioners" to help purify and clarify the message, "encouragers" to keep us uplifted and moving forward and "hands" to provide help as help is needed.

If you are hearing His voice let me know.

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