Friday, December 23, 2011

The Gift of Worship

The Christmas season offers a great context to consider our offertory giving. On Christmas Day we celebrate God's gift to mankind. However, in addition to the gift of His son, God granted another gift. He extended the opportunity for us to recognize who Jesus is and respond to Him. In the biblical record we see this gift received by the shepherds, by Simeon and the Magi. Each responded in their our way; the shepherds responded with witness, Simeon with praise and the Magi with worship.

The response of the Magi seems particularly instructive in respect to our giving. The Magi's acknowledgement of who Jesus is led them to extend themselves in worship. They extended themselves beyond the point of personal convenience. Their worship extended beyond simply verbal expression. They extended their physical selves and their physical possessions. They saw a connection between their worship and their giving. Their giving was an extension of their worship, not a separate activity. Their giving flowed from their worship.

This year, let Christmas remind each of us of that wonderful connection. Let us extend our offertory giving beyond the content of the gift. Give more than the gift. Give worship!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Internet Reach Update

Internet Reach - As of 11/14/11, our internet message has been received in:

52 States or U. S. Territories

93 Countries Outside of the U.S.A.

6 Continents

Praise God!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Ministry Next Steps

It is not news to any of you that we are experiencing very tough economic times. It probably doesn’t surprise you that in response, some churches and some church members are pulling back from God’s call under the banner of good stewardship. Surveys have documented that Christian giving is down in 2011 and churches are hurting. While the symptom is financial, the problem is much deeper. Somehow, we are convincing ourselves that it is ok to balance our personal accounts by giving less to God. Churches are cutting budgets, reducing ministry efforts and reducing salaries to balance the books. Yes, Jesus calls His church to execute good stewardship, but we cross the line from stewardship to disobedience when we failed to answer His call on our lives or failed to execute the ministry to which He has called us. There is no blessing (for our churches or their congregants) in members seeking to balance their personal budgets by under-funding church support. Such an equation never balances. I'm reminded of the account in Haggai when the remnant returning from exile chose to give priority to their personal financial affairs rather than restoring the temple.

Haggai 1: 4-6

Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins? Now, therefore thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvest little. You eat , but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes. Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.

This warning seems so appropriate. Even those who have retained their jobs in this economy are feeling strained, frustrated and dissatisfied. Many have seen their home values and savings diminish over night; as if they were putting money in bags with holes. I think we are at a critical juncture. In times of hardship, the church needs to do more not less. Local churches will be tempted to strengthen their funding raising efforts to address their short falls. However, the real need is to raise disciples rather than raise funds. While, the subject of my message is offertory giving, I’ve never considered fundraising it’s purpose. It is not. It is a tool of discipleship, a message of relationship. It is our relationship that is under attack, not simply our budgets. Our giving is a mirror of the relationship. It let’s us see on whom we depend. It let’s us see whom we love. It let’s us see whom we serve. Jesus’ words still ring true; we cannot serve both God and money.

I have been developing a teaching outline for a bible study on my material. It summarizes the key components of the message that I believe God has given me and includes sample scriptural support for each component. It represents the most current synthesis of that message. It is a 6-7 week study (1 – 11/2 hr sessions). It expands on what I taught at Wheaton Bible Church and Second Baptist Church of Wheaton over the summer. I believe God is calling me to more aggressively pursue opportunities to teach this series. I ask that each of you prayerfully consider whether you can assist in securing opportunities for me to get the message out. If you feel moved to help, contact me. The need is great.

Yours In Christ!

Monday, August 01, 2011

Internet Bible Study - August 2011 - A Question of Motive

Giving offertory gifts that are valuable is not enough. God wants more. Why we give is as important as what we give. This discussion reviews Jesus’ teachings about improper motives for giving. The examination explores the roles of both the individual giver and the local church in protecting the purity of our motives for giving.

Reference Scripture:

Matthew 6: 1 – 4 (acts of righteousness before men)

Supporting Scriptures:

2 Corinthians 9:7 (give what he has decided in his heart)

Genesis 3:1 – 6 (Eve wanted to be like God)

Isaiah 14: 12 – 14 (Lucifer desired to be like God)

1 John 2: 15 – 16 (pride of life)

Proverbs 16:18 (pride before destruction, haughty spirit before a fall)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study (located in the right margin of this blog) to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Praise Report

I apologize for my absence. Over the summer, God granted me opportunities to teach the More Than The Gift message at both my current church (Wheaton Bible Church) and my former church (Second Baptist Church of Wheaton). Each opportunity was a multi-week series. I've been busy formatting the material into modules suitable for bible classes. I believe that God uniquely blessed each session . I want to thank Elder Mel Preiss for inviting me to teach the Covenant Class at WBC. They have posted portions of the lessons on the Internet. I also want to thank Pastor Kevin Williams for inviting me to share again at SBC. The More Than The Gift Ministry was birth at SBC and this message is uniquely theirs. Please pray with me that the seeds planted will bear fruit.

I believe that these types of opportunities will increase in the future and that God is preparing me for the next phase of this ministry effort.

Your Brother In Christ

Monday, July 04, 2011

MTTG Bible Class

Pastor Kevin Williams recently invited to teach a Bible Class series on the More Than The Gift principles at my former church (Second Baptist Church of Wheaton). It’s a 4-week series (6/29. 7/6, 7/13 & 7/20) on Wednesday nights (7-8:15pm). This is where God gave me the individual scriptural messages, but I never completed my effort to help them connect- the- dots between the messages. It has been over 10 years since this process began. I thank God for His faithfulness to His message for this congregation. Please join me with your prayers, presence or both.

Second Baptist Church of Wheaton
1520 Avery Ave,
Wheaton , IL. 60187

Your Brother In Christ,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wheaton Bible Church

I am humbled that the director of finance at my new home church (Wheaton Bible Church) felt led to write an article featuring excerpts from More Than The Gift. The article will appear in the Summer edition of the church magazine. In addition, in June I will teach a 3-week series from "More Than The Gift" to one of the adult community classes.

Please join me in prayer that God prepare the message, the messenger and the soil of the hearts of His people so that the seeds planted will bear fruit that blesses His kingdom and bring Him glory.

His message continues to advance bit by bit. Matt.13:33 The kingdom of God is like yeast....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Praise Report - Book Signing

Thank you for your prayers. God's presence was evident during the book signing. Hearts were stirred, books were sold and God was glorified. The agent for the other author even asked if I would join them at their future events. I believe we are entering a new season for the ministry. I expect new doors to open, but please pray that I exhibit spiritual discernment to distinguish between the call of God and the call of man. This is about Him not me.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Internet Bible Study - May 2011 - Giving That Gets God's Attention

The Biblical account of a widow’s offertory gift of two mites is examined from the perspective of its proportional magnitude. Readers survey several Biblical accounts where individuals were willing to render their all. The decision to surrender all to the Lord always gets His attention and such giving is memorialized in scriptures.

Reference Scripture:

Mark 12:41 – 44 (widow’s mite)

Supporting Scriptures:

Genesis 22:11 – 18 (Abraham… you have not withheld from me your son)

Romans 8:31 – 32 (He who did not spare His own son)

Philippians 2: 3 – 8 (He humbled himself and became obedient to death)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study (located in he right margin of this blog) to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Book Signing - May 12, 2011

Inner-City Underwriting Agency is hosting a joint book signing at its office on May 12, 2011. The event will feature the Christian writings of two of the firm's constituents (Dr. Jennifer Moore and myself). I want to thank the firm's president, Matthew Cooper, for his hospitality and faith in the message God is sharing through us. Please pray for God's presence and blessing during the event.

Monday's Meditation - May 2, 2011 - Our Preparation For Our Inheritence

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

Our Preparation For Our Inheritance

When our twin sons were infants, my wife and I researched investment options to save funds for their future. One very interesting option was a gift trust managed by a prominent investment firm. This investment had a remarkable track of performance. It had increased in value by more than 20% for each of the preceding 10 years. However, there was one characteristic of the trust that concerned us. It was an irrevocable trust, which required that any contributions we made become the permanent property of the trust for the benefit of our sons. We could put money in but we couldn’t decide later to take it out. At the predetermined time the trust would be available for our sons to use as they wished. We could not decide to withhold the funds if they made poor choices. That was a very scary thought because in spite of our love for our sons, we knew it was impossible to predict whether our infant sons would become wise stewards as adults. We had no desire to pre-fund unwise choices they might choose to make later. Prudence suggested that we invest the funds in a manner where we would retain control over their distribution. So, we chose not to commit substantial treasure to our sons’ ownership prior to their developing and demonstrating the judgment to handle it. However, we simultaneously committed to using a weekly allowance to help them acquire and demonstrate that judgment. While their allowance was small, it seemed big to them. It gave them the opportunity to acquire basic skills for handling wealth by practicing with a small amount. Handling their allowance was a foundational step in preparation for incremental increases in responsibility and eventually receipt of their inheritance. When I think about it, it becomes clear that God gives each of us opportunities for earthly stewardship to prepare us in very much the same way.

This podcast is a continuation the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Monday's Meditation - April 25, 2011 - Positioned For Greater Blessing - Repost

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

Positioned For Greater Blessing

The Holy Scripture is full of rich and wonderful promises for the believer. They are exciting to uncover and humbling to ponder. Each promise reveals the matchless nature of God’s love for us and the benefits He wants us to experience through our relationship with Him. Some promises are simply our birthright, as we become daughters and sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Others promises are rewards or blessings that flow from our actions. In this spirit, God has ordained that abundant blessings flow from our giving. As a result, our giving actually positions us for greater blessings than we would otherwise experience. I am reminded of the Old Testament account of the widow from Zarephath. When Elijah met the widow, by her own admission, she and her family were positioned to die. Their circumstances had brought them to the point of starvation. Then God sent Elijah with a word of hope, but this word of promise was preceded by a request that the widow give from the very last of her provision. As she gave, she and her family were repositioned. Rather than being recipients of death, they became recipients of an increase in their food supply, an increase in health and an increase in faith. Greater blessings flowed from her giving than she ever imagined.

This podcast is a continuation the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Monday's Meditation - April 18, 2011 - Our Fellowship In Ministry

Every now and then, I am reminded that our human experiences often convey spiritual messages. Not so long ago, as I was carrying a large box through our home, my youngest son stopped me and asked “Daddy can I help?” A part of me wanted to politely reject his offer. The item was awkward and heavy and his attempt at assistance would actually slow down the progress I could achieve alone. However, when I looked down into his eyes I realized the true significance of the moment. The task at hand immediately lost its importance and I turned my focus to my son. I told him to grab a corner of the box. I repositioned my grip to make certain that there was no more weight on his corner than he could bear. As he placed his tiny hands on the box, his eyes began to glisten. Together we completed the chore but now with a greater sense of fulfillment and joy.

On the human level, God allowed me to see that there is a bond that grows out of our co-laboring together. My son’s partnering with me in my activity gave us an opportunity to fellowship together. Our working together actually nurtured our growing together. On the spiritual level, God allowed me to see that my activity with the Lord has the same effect. It’s not that God needs my help to carry the load or get the job done faster but when God allows me to participate with Him, God is offering me an opportunity for fellowship. After I received this spiritual message, God then led me to consider the profound implications this revelation has for my giving. My giving is never meant to be a burden. God does all of the heavy lifting. He is just inviting me to come along side His activity. When I extend my hands to help and I think about what God is really doing, like my son, my eyes begin to glisten with joy at the opportunity for fellowship through co-laboring with my Father.

This podcast is a continuation the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monday's Meditation - April 11, 2011 - God's Provision For Ministry

While serving as the budget chairperson for my local church, I observed that many Christians struggle with the quantity of church funds that are expended for the compensation of church workers and benevolence ministries. The care extended to the church staff members and the less fortunate can be viewed as poor stewardship by some believers.

Yet the familiar scripture , Malachi 3:10, still reads: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house….”

I wonder how often we consider the practical intent of that statement. The food wasn’t for ministry programs. It was for people. It was for the workers of ministry and the less fortunate. This approach was designed by God and reflects His intent for the support of ministry both then and now.

This is the first in the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Monday's Meditation - April 4, 2011 - The Giver's Treasure & Heart Repost

God desires to give us eternal life. However, eternal life is not measured by the length of our existence. It is measured by the depth of our relationship with the Father and the Son (John 17:3). God offers us the opportunity to give that we might experience life in Him more abundantly. He knows that we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve both God and money. When material accumulation takes an unhealthy position in our value systems, He often allows us to be confronted with that critical question of choice: “Your Money or Your Life?” Sadly, when faced with that choice, many believers respond “I’m thinking”.

Today’s episode is the final episode in the series affirming the importance of what our giving reveals. Our next podcast will begin the series affirming the importance of what our giving accomplishes.

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday's Meditation - March 28, 2011 - The Giver's Reverence

I was curious about the background of the Halloween tradition. Given its name, I never quite understood what it was really about. The root word "hallow" means to make holy, to sanctify, to set apart for God. Although the costumes, candy, dunking for apples and carving of pumpkins may be fun, our celebrations often do not make clear what (if anything) is being hallowed. The observance does not have a simply heritage. It evolved from a mixture of Christian and non-Christian traditions. The emphasis of the modern celebrations clearly reflects more of the non-Christian traditions, and because we have lost sight of or are unfamiliar with the original intent, many of us fail to fulfill the godly purpose in the Christian portion of the tradition.

While I considered those thoughts, Deuteronomy 14: 22&23 came to mind. This passage begins with an instruction that could easily be paraphrased “Be sure to hallow a tithe of all you produce each year” and the passage ends by explaining the purpose “ so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always”. Reflecting on this passage, I realized that our reverence for the Lord is enhanced as we hallow our offertory gifts to Him. As I think about offertory giving in our churches today, I wonder how often givers consider their gifts as holy, sanctified, specifically set apart for God. I wonder if our approach to giving helps us to learn to reverence the Lord. I wonder, if as with Halloween, many of us have lost sight of the intent and therefore fail to fulfill God’s intended purpose for our giving.

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what our giving reveals.

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday's Meditation - March 21, 2001 - The Giver's Stewardship (Repost)

Jesus begins the parable regarding an unjust steward ( Luke 16) with a master telling his servant that the servant must give an account of his stewardship. Like that servant , a day of reckoning will come for each of us. On that day, our deeds will declare our allegiance and answer Jesus’ implied question: Whose steward are you?

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Monday's Meditation - March 14, 2011 - The Giver's Understanding of God's Ownership

Genesis records that God entrusted mankind with stewardship of the earth. The trap that mankind falls into over an over again is that we (like Nebuchadnezzar) confuse stewardship with ownership. Whatever dominion God allows us to experience represents delegated authority not a transfer of title. That which we seemingly obtained through our efforts still belongs to God. Failing to reconcile the issue of true ownership leads to confusion in our relationship with the Lord and our response to Him. When we fail to acknowledge God’s ownership, we tend to behave like we are out of our minds.

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Monday's Meditation - March 7, 2011 - The Giver's Gratitude

Ten lepers stood by the side of the road, at a distance, calling in a loud voice to Jesus for mercy and grace. Ten lepers demonstrated their faith by following Jesus’ instruction that they behave as if they were healed even before their healing visibly manifested itself. Ten lepers received a miracle and yet only one returned to acknowledge his healing. Only one threw himself at Jesus’ feet. Only one used his loud voice to render praise and thanksgiving. Seeing this, Jesus asked his disciples “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?” This biblical story reminds me that each day, each one of us should consider whether we are more like the "one" or more like the "nine"?

In today’s episode, we continue to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Internet Bible Study - March 2011 - Ritual or Relationship

Two reference scriptures are used to illustrate Jesus’ view of giving in the context of relationships. In His comments Jesus both affirms the value of giving and emphasizes the priority of nurturing relationships. The focus of the relationship building about which Jesus spoke is our human relationships. The discussion explores how the scripture intertwines the nurturing of our human relationships with the nurturing of our spiritual relationship with the Father.
Reference Scripture:
Matthew 23:23 (you have neglected the more important matters – justice,mercy)
Matthew 5: 21 – 24 (first go and be reconciled with your brother)
Supporting Scriptures:
2 Corinthians 9: 1&2, 12 – 15 (affect of Corinthian giving on others)
John 17: 1 – 3 (This is eternal life)
Matthew 22: 35 – 40 (1st & 2nd commandment love God , love neighbor)
1 John 4: 7&8; 12 – 20 (love one another, love comes from God)
John 13: 34 – 35 ( by this shall all men know you are my disciples)
John 17: 20 – 22 (Jesus’ prayer for our oneness)
2 Corinthians 9:7 (each man should give what he has decided in his heart)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study (located in he right margin of this blog) to review the full text of the lesson.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Monday's Meditation - February 28, 2011- The Giver's Love

It was February of 1999. For several months, I had shared a series of instructional thoughts on giving with my local church congregation just prior to the collection of the offering during Sunday worship service. As I sought the Lord for guidance concerning what to share for the upcoming Sunday, I was drawn to the spiritual symbolism embedded in our Valentine’s Day tradition. A clear and simple principle emerged. Love gives.

In today’s episode, we begin to affirm the importance of what the gift reveals, even though God is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Monday's Meditation -February 21, 2011 - The Gift and The Giver's Faith

There is a big difference between talking about faith and applying it. If God gave a college class in faith, it would be entitled "Applied Faith" rather than "Faith Theory". God wants faith working in every aspect of our relationship, even in our giving. As Hebrews 11: 6&7 remind us: without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

In today's podcast episode we continue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instruction to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The full podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monday's Meditation - February 14, 2001 - God's Interest In More Than The Giver's Hand

God is spirit. He has no temporal needs. God is the creator, sustainer and owner of all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. His ownership has not diminished with time. His wealth is immeasurable. Yet, He still asks for our gifts. What could God possibly be seeking from us?

In today's podcast episode we continue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instruction to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself

Receive Monday's Meditation as "food for thought" for the week, then let it become "fuel for action" for the weekend and beyond!

The full audio podcast is available on my website and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Tithing Times 10

Through the messages of the More Than The Gift Ministry, I've tried to redirect our focus away from arguing over tithing. It saddens me that we often fail to see the irony in trying to benchmark how little we can give to the God of the universe, the Great I Am, our Lord and Savior. Today's sermon at my church (Wheaton Bible Church) centered on Ephesians 5: 1 &2. As Pastor Bugh touched on these verses this morning, the core message of my ministry kept resonating within my soul. God desires more than a tenth and more than a material gift. He desires that we would give our total selves back to Him as an act of love. He leads by example and asks that His beloved children would follow that lead by mimicking the actions of His Son. The ESV translations of these scriptures read:

Ephesians 5:
1) Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2) And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

He gave Himself up for us because He loves us. The question each of us must answer is whether we love Him enough to give ourselves back to Him in return.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Prayer Request

A few weeks ago, I heard a brief discussion on offertory giving on a morning Christian radio show. The host seemed a little frustrated by the divergent positions taken by the different guests that had appeared on his show over time. As you probably know by now, I believe that the messages God has given me help harmonize some of the divergent views. I felt led to share a copy of my Internet Bible Study entitled "God's Plan For The Financial Support of His Ministry". I sent it to the show by email. I wasn't motivated by self-promotion. I simply wanted to bless the host. I knew my email would be screened and might never get to the host but I felt led to send it anyway.

Last week I received a response from a staff assistant acknowledging receipt of the material, thanking me for it and promising to pass it along to the entire team. So, I solicit your prayers that this excerpt will be a blessing to the staff members of that show.

Monday's Meditation - February 7, 2011 - God's Interest In The Giver's Relationship With Others

It is interesting to note that God often assesses our giving by first assessing the condition of our human relationships. While we focus on our gift, He chooses to examine how we are treating one another. Even the earliest scriptural account of giving (the story of Cain & Abel) speaks not only to the issue of the acceptability of Cain’s offering but also to issues involving Cain’s relationship with God and Cain’s relationship with Abel. How revealing it is that in a story about giving, Cain asks the eternal question: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The fact is that while we may desire for our giving to be viewed and judged as an independent spiritual activity, God refuses to do so and He purposefully keeps Cain’s question ever before us even while we give.

In today’s podcast episode, we continue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instructions to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

Receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Internet Bible Study - February 2011 - God's Plan In Action

While the workers and work of the ministry are beneficiaries of the tangible substance of offertory giving, its full impact is intended by God to be more far reaching. The benefit is intended to be reciprocal. An examination of the Biblical account of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath demonstrates how God uses giving to establish a relationship of mutual benefit between His ministry and the recipients of ministry efforts.

Reference Scripture:
1 Kings 17: 1 – 23 ( Elijah and the widow)
Supporting Scriptures:
Luke 12: 15 – 21 (Rich fool)
Luke 10: 1 – 9 ( Jesus send the 72, take no purse, eat what they give you)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Monday's Meditation - January 31, 2011 - God's Interest In The Giver's Relationship With Him

One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question, Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus replied, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment (Matt. 22: 35-38). In this response to a question from the crowd, Jesus establishes that our highest pursuit is our love relationship with the Father. All other requirements flow from the pursuit of that relationship, even our giving.

In today’s episode, we continue to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instructions to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in more than the gift itself.

Receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with us!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Lesson For Church Leaders

There is a lesson in the workbook that discusses the corporate giving of the church. I've decided to add this lesson as a permanent page on my website. It's message is a needed compliment to my messages regarding individual giving. An introduction to this lesson follows below but the balance appears on my website.

Scriptural guidance regarding giving is not limited to instructions for individual believers. It also extends to the corporate body, His church. I have come to realize that the church is not simply a receiver of significant resources but it is also a giver of resources as well. For many churches, the requests for resources constantly challenge the limits of the available supply. As a former Budget Chairperson for a local church, I became aware of the challenge to faith experienced by local church leaders as they seek to fund ministry initiatives from the limited resources of their “storehouse”. Yet, I believe that God’s instructions are just as applicable to the corporate church as they are to the individual members. God has a word for His church and its leaders, not just for the individual members. So, let us examine some guidance for local church leaders that reflects the old adage” what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”.

If the individual is called to give in faith in spite of their apparent lack, then what about the church? Is there some scriptural justification for only requiring faith to be exhibited by individual members but not the church itself? Is it somehow O.K. for the widows in scripture to sow their last into ministry but for the church to be afraid to do so? No, the church is called to exemplify God-led, faith-based giving as well.

Consistency between the principles applicable to the individual and the collective body is appropriate. I would find it difficult to reconcile a church financial philosophy that viewed as good financial stewardship (at the church level) actions that would be characterized as a lack of faith and disobedience at the individual level. Thanks to our Lord, for illustrating the synthesis of individual and corporate God-led, faith-based giving so that we have a clear path to follow. The illustration occurs in our reference scripture where Jesus feeds 5000 men plus women and children.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Praise Report - God Tube

I've had a presence on God Tube for a little over a year. God Tube is the Christian version of You Tube. I uploaded 4 promos in 2009 but had uneven success with the audio upload. However, this year I have been led to pursue anew some long-standing technical problems with this ministry effort (the iTunes podcasts, the link for the downloadable brochures & the God Tube feed). Initially, each of these problems baffled me and I failed to find a solution but this year I felt a prompting in my spirit to try again. As I respond in obedience, God is "parting the Jordan" before me. As I move forward, one-by-one the problems are being resolved. I reference the parting of the Jordan River because at the Jordan the waters only receded as the Israelites moved forward, only as their feet touched the water did it back up. I believe in God's timing, not my own. I am sensing His move this year and I'm looking forward to what He will reveal to me and accomplish through.

I encourage each of you to remain sensitive to the move of God's Spirit in the midst of your circumstances. Don't be afraid to step forward in response to His prompting yet one more time. As you do, you will be moving forward in His power (rather than your own) and to His Glory. You may be surprised by what He chooses to do.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monday's Meditation - January 24, 2010 - God's Interest In The Giver's Willingness

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

The Giver's Willingness

Abraham had waited 25 years for the fulfillment of God’s promise and then (when Abraham was 100 years old) the fulfillment came. Sarah bore her only child, Abraham’s son, Abraham’s heir. Isaac was a source of great joy and hope for Abraham. Isaac was a symbol of God’s faithfulness and promises of blessing. So, I can’t imagine the thoughts Abraham had and emotions he felt when God requested that he offer Isaac’s life as a burnt offering. In spite of what he may have felt, Abraham’s response was amazing. Abraham exhibited no hesitancy. He did not question, barter or argue with God. He arose early the next morning and began his journey to the appointed place of sacrifice. Abraham exhibited great faith. On the third day, Abraham instructed his servants to stay with the donkeys while he and Isaac journeyed to the appointed place of worship. Before leaving them Abraham spoke words of faith, stating that both he and Isaac would return to them. The writer of Hebrews explains that Abraham was convinced that even if he sacrificed Isaac unto the Lord, God could raise Isaac from the dead. Abraham prepared to offer Isaac’s life not knowing that Isaac’s life was not the offering that God was really seeking. At the appointed time God provided Abraham with a substitute object of sacrifice, a ram in the bush. Why was a substitute acceptable? Why was a sacrifice of lesser value sufficient? It was acceptable because more than the tangible object of Abraham’s giving, the offering God was seeking was Abraham’s willingness to withhold nothing from Him. In raising the knife of sacrifice to offer his son, Abraham demonstrated to himself and us his unrestrained willingness to give his all to the Lord. No object of sacrifice was greater than the gift he had already given.

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The full audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Praise Report

I found a work-around for the brochure link. Access to the down-loadable brochures is available again. Praise God! Thanks for your prayers!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Prayer Request

The spiritual battle continues. I recently discovered that the link to the "Brochures" is broken. The link allowed visitors to download and print a written summary of each podcast message formatted as a tri-fold brochure. The brochures were great as class handouts, church bulletin stuffers or foyer pickup literature. There were 20 different brochures available. I solicit your prayer that I find a way around this problem.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday's Meditation Podcasts - God's Interest In The Giver

God had rejected his offering. Cain responded with anger and depression. What amazes me about God’s counsel to Cain is found in what God did not say. Have you ever noticed that God didn’t say anything specifically about Cain’s offering? Have you ever wondered why?

In today’s episode we begin to examine why I believe that even though God gives us scriptural instructions to give offertory gifts, He is actually interested in much more than the gift itself.

The podcast is available on my website: and at the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the right margin of this site to give immediate access to either site.

Receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought” for the week and then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

Praise Report

Thanks for the prayers. My link to iTunes is functional again. Praise God! Apple instruction to republish the podcasts to a new page. It worked. I’ve noticed that during to period of forced silence, God brought many new visitors to my pages. Last week I experienced the single highest day of traffic I can remember. Since I wasn’t posting new material this was clearly His activity (not mine). In response to this, I felt led to start the year off fresh with a foundational Internet Bible Study on “God Plan for the Financial Support of His Ministry”. There are many new eyes that have not seen this material before.

The podcast episodes can be found on my website: or in the iTunes Store under the title "More Than the Gift". I refer to this series of as "Monday's Meditations". With the reactivation of the iTunes podcast, I now I feel led to repost the individual episodes one at a time over a 20 week period rather than reposting them all at the same time. While listening to my first episode again, I was reminded that I promised to publish a 4th component to the series. During the next 20 weeks, I will work on that material. God’s activity is evident, I’m ready to follow His lead.

Yours In Christ,

Friday, January 07, 2011

Prayer Request

After 1 year, I think there may be a solution to the problem of the broken link between my podcasts and iTunes Store. During this period, I have been more curious than anxious. I've seen God's continued activity from international hits on my web-pages. Yet, I still believe that the messages presence on iTunes is a part His plan. Please pray that I would understand my role in the process and that His will (not mine) be manifested regarding the iTunes problem.


Thursday, January 06, 2011

Internet Bible Study - January 2011 - God's Plan for the Financial Support of His Ministry

I've been missing, I Know! I plan to be more consistent with the Bible Study postings in 2011.

Let's start with the foundational lesson and go from there. Here is a repost of the lesson entitled "God's Plan for the Financial Support of His Ministry".

The role of tithes and offerings are discussed as elements of God’s plan for the support of ministry efforts and ministry workers. However, that support is meant to be the by-product rather than the goal of our giving. The Lord must always be the focus of our giving and that giving needs to be a response to our relationship with Him rather than compliance with external regulations. The work and workers of ministry are God's designated beneficiaries of our tangible gifts. As such they are dependent on our response to Him. As we respond to God, we also respond to them.

Reference Scripture:
Malachi 3:10 (Bring all the tithes)
Supporting Scriptures:
Leviticus 4 (sin offering)
Exodus 30: 11-16 (ransom offering)
Numbers 18:20-24 ( 1st tithe – ministry support)
Deuteronomy 14:22-26 (2nd tithe – pilgrimage)
Deuteronomy 26:12 & 14: 28-29 (3rd tithe – benevolence)
Malachi 3:8 (will a man rob God)
Exodus 25 (freewill offering – tabernacle)
Hebrews 9:11 – 10:18 (Christ’ death all sufficient offering for our sins)
Genesis 14: 14 – 20 ( Abram’s tithe)
Genesis 28:10 – 22 ( Jacob’s tithe)
Matthew 23:23 (Jesus’ sanction of tithing)
Leviticus 27:30 & 32 (tithe belongs to God)
Deuteronomy 14:22 – 23 (so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God)
Numbers 18: 20 – 24 (Levites received no inheritance in the promised land)
Deuteronomy 14: 27 – 29 ( ( remember the Levites who have no inheritance)
Numbers 18: 8 -20 (offerings given to the Levites)
Luke 9: 1 - 6 (Jesus sends forth the 12 disciples)
Luke 10: 1 - 16 (Jesus sends forth 72 additional disciples)
Matthew 25: 31 – 46 (Jesus’ priority on the less fortunate – sheep & goats)
1Corintians 9: 13 – 14 ( those who preach the gospel should live of the gospel)
2 Corinthians 9: 7 (cheerful giver)
2 Corinthians 9: 12 - 13 (Men will praise God for their obedience and sharing)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.
