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Praise God!
Book Review by Bill Hartmann
The Book: The Gift
Author: Mr. Larry J. Robinson
Aventine Press – copyright 2009
ISBN: 1-59330-594-X
LC # 2009930804
Larry Robinson is a man with an assignment from God. This assignment is to more fully equip the average parishioner with a better understanding of what it truly means to give our tithes and offerings. He has served in several positions within the church body which have given him a very clear perspective on the issue of tithing and the attitudes that surround this important part of our relationship with God. While checking out his website – , I discovered a very passionate and truly inspired man who I feel God is using in a very powerful way. Larry Robinson has demonstrated with this book that he has a very firm grasp on the greater importance God places on our attitude vs. just the physical gift. Mr. Robinson with his wife Sharon and his four sons have served faithfully at four church bodies over the span of his walk with Jesus. God has used their personal journey to shape and define what he wants told to others. In my understanding, God gives important assignments like this to only faithful and devoted people who have a heart of love and grace. In reading this book and web site, this is what I perceived.
“The Gift” is a 125 page book that takes its reader on a journey of what it’s like to open up our heart and mind and really give from Gods point of view. This book is basically divided into three sections. They are 1) God’s interests in our giving, 2) What our giving reveals, and 3) What ou giving accomplishes. These three areas cover everything we need to understand about giving in general and into ministry. Larry Robinsons book shows how giving is really for and about us. He describes beautifully how God is primarily interested in our relationship with him and not just some legalistic mindless routine which I’m afraid many of the body of Christ fall into over the years.
This writing is well thought out and deals frankly with all the issues of giving that many are struggling with today in the churches across the world. It is filled with family references and has some well placed stories about others who have experience lessons from God in the area of giving and attitude. The frankness is the strong point of this book because it is written narrowly focused with the average church attendee in mind. The author takes us step by step through the process of giving from having a pure motive to understanding how giving actually benefits us the giver multiplied times. He shows us that motive and attitude is everything with God. I personally responded with a favorable feeling after reading this book and it did convict me to read it completely through which by the way took about two hours.
“The Gift” offers a clear and very easy read. I would recommend buying this book to all pastors and use it to teach the true meaning of giving to Sunday school classes and as a give away to church members year round. While many churches struggle with asking their members for tithes and offerings today, this book would easily help with the transition from parishioner ignorance to having a wanton desire for giving. It removes the stereo types that surround this very important aspect of our relationship with God. I thank the author for being obedient to his assignment, and his book “The Gift”, will truly inspire and more importantly bring people a closer more fulfilling relationship with God.
Yours In Christ,