Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween - Internet Bible Study

Recently, I’ve been curious about the background of the Halloween tradition. Given its name, I’ve never quite understood what it was really about. The root word hallow means to make holy, to sanctify, to set apart for God. While the costumes, candy, dunking for apples and carving of pumpkins may be fun, our celebrations often do not make clear what (if anything) is being hallowed. My research revealed that the holiday itself is as confused as I was. It does not have a simple heritage, but evolved from the combination of a variety of Christian and non-Christian traditions. It contains a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I doubt that I am alone in my confusion. I suspect that many others also have no idea what they should be setting apart for God on that day. The emphasis of modern celebrations clearly reflects more of the non-Christian traditions, and because we have lost sight of or are unfamiliar with the intent, many of us fail to fulfill the godly purpose in the Christian portion of the tradition.

While I considered those thoughts, Deuteronomy 14:22 and 23 came to mind. This passage begins with an instruction that could easily be paraphrased—“Be sure to hallow a tithe of all you produce each year”—and the passage ends by explaining the purpose: “so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always.” Reflecting on this passage, I realized that our reverence for the Lord is enhanced as we hallow our offertory gifts to Him. As I think about offertory giving in our churches today, I wonder how often givers consider their gifts as holy, sanctified, specifically set apart for God. I wonder if our approach to giving helps us to learn to reverence the Lord. I wonder, if as with Halloween, many of us have lost sight of or are unfamiliar with the intent and therefore fail to fulfill God’s intended purpose for our giving.

Click on the link to the Monthly Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is located in the right margin of this page under "Internet Links & Additional Resources "

Don't study alone. This is the worldwide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Ask questions! Make comments! Let's create a worldwide conversation.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Praise Report

I have felt led to be still for a while. In my stillness I have seen glimpses of God's activity independent of my activity. During my silence my webpages have received their greatest number of hits. The web-ministry has now been visited by individuals from over 75 different countries and 44 states in the U.S.

God is affirming that it is not by my power, not by my might, not by my activity but by His spirit that this message will go forth.

Please join me in prayer that I follow His lead alone. Amen!


Friday, March 05, 2010

Latest Book Review

The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers ( and

Be Willing To Give In Faith,

March 4, 2010

MORE THAN THE GIFT: A Love Relationship is clearly scripture driven and easy to understand. The Word of God has repeatedly given us details on how to walk in stewardship and Larry Robinson highlights those scriptures. Robinson organizes this love relationship around three key principles: 1) God is interested in more than just a gift; 2) Our giving is important because of what it reveals; and 3) Our giving is important because of what it accomplishes. The giver must give from the heart with a cheerful attitude that is rooted in faith that only God can provide.

The development of these key principles is centered in reference scriptures, food for thought, and connecting the dots making everything apparent. The illustrations used are common to every believer and easily relatable. The notes, websites and references will provide additional follow-up information. Robinson does an excellent job at telling the story of stewardship and how its rewards provide the gifts of God.

Reviewed by Deltareviewer

for The RAWSISTAZ(tm) Reviewers

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Book Review - Review The

The review below was posted yesterday at : Link:

In the future, it will also be posted on and

Praise God!

Book Review by Bill Hartmann
The Book: The Gift
Author: Mr. Larry J. Robinson
Aventine Press – copyright 2009
ISBN: 1-59330-594-X
LC # 2009930804
Larry Robinson is a man with an assignment from God. This assignment is to more fully equip the average parishioner with a better understanding of what it truly means to give our tithes and offerings. He has served in several positions within the church body which have given him a very clear perspective on the issue of tithing and the attitudes that surround this important part of our relationship with God. While checking out his website – , I discovered a very passionate and truly inspired man who I feel God is using in a very powerful way. Larry Robinson has demonstrated with this book that he has a very firm grasp on the greater importance God places on our attitude vs. just the physical gift. Mr. Robinson with his wife Sharon and his four sons have served faithfully at four church bodies over the span of his walk with Jesus. God has used their personal journey to shape and define what he wants told to others. In my understanding, God gives important assignments like this to only faithful and devoted people who have a heart of love and grace. In reading this book and web site, this is what I perceived.

“The Gift” is a 125 page book that takes its reader on a journey of what it’s like to open up our heart and mind and really give from Gods point of view. This book is basically divided into three sections. They are 1) God’s interests in our giving, 2) What our giving reveals, and 3) What ou giving accomplishes. These three areas cover everything we need to understand about giving in general and into ministry. Larry Robinsons book shows how giving is really for and about us. He describes beautifully how God is primarily interested in our relationship with him and not just some legalistic mindless routine which I’m afraid many of the body of Christ fall into over the years.
This writing is well thought out and deals frankly with all the issues of giving that many are struggling with today in the churches across the world. It is filled with family references and has some well placed stories about others who have experience lessons from God in the area of giving and attitude. The frankness is the strong point of this book because it is written narrowly focused with the average church attendee in mind. The author takes us step by step through the process of giving from having a pure motive to understanding how giving actually benefits us the giver multiplied times. He shows us that motive and attitude is everything with God. I personally responded with a favorable feeling after reading this book and it did convict me to read it completely through which by the way took about two hours.

“The Gift” offers a clear and very easy read. I would recommend buying this book to all pastors and use it to teach the true meaning of giving to Sunday school classes and as a give away to church members year round. While many churches struggle with asking their members for tithes and offerings today, this book would easily help with the transition from parishioner ignorance to having a wanton desire for giving. It removes the stereo types that surround this very important aspect of our relationship with God. I thank the author for being obedient to his assignment, and his book “The Gift”, will truly inspire and more importantly bring people a closer more fulfilling relationship with God.

Yours In Christ,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Book Review Talk Show Rescheduled

More Than the Gift will be featured on Thea's BC Book Review talk show. It
>> will air on Sunday, February 21, 2010 at 5:00 PM central time. Join us at:

Keep praying for this ministry!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Book Review Talk Show

More Than the Gift will be featured on Thea's BC Book Review talk show. It will air on Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 5:00 PM central time. Join us at: .

If you miss the actual show, you can still listen to it on the website.

Please keep praying for this ministry.


Sunday, February 07, 2010

Valentine Day - 2010 Internet Bible Study

In light of the upcoming celebration of Valentine's Day on Feb. 14th, I thought I'd rerun the lesson entitled "A Love Problem" in the Internet Bible Study. Always remember: Love Gives!

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Internet Bible Study - February 2010 - The Value of The Gift

The Value of The Gift

This Lesson explores why the value of our gift matters even though the Lord owns everything and our gifts do not add to His wealth. The value we place on the occasion, the position of the recipient and/or the underlying relationship typically impacts our choice of a gift in a human relationship but are also relevant in our giving to God. The reference scripture is taken from an episode in King David’s life where he proclaims, “I will not take for the Lord what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing”.

Reference Scripture:

1 Chronicles 21: 19-27 (offering that costs me nothing)

Supporting Scriptures:

Malachi 1:6 - 8 ( if I am a father, where is the honor due me)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Praise Report and Prayer Request

I use a print on demand publisher. This means that the books are printed as needed rather than being printed in advance and stored in warehouses awaiting sale. So, revisions can get to market quickly and overhead costs are minimized. My publisher has uploaded the revised version of the workbook with the printer. So any new copies printed will incorporate the revisions. The revised version will be available from the online book stores like Amazon and Barnes and Noble once their small inventory of older copies are sold. Praise God!

As you know, I am particularly excited about the revision regarding God's plan for the financial support of His ministry. I shared an advance copy with Scott Landon (Director of Finance & Administration for Wheaton Bibe Church). He felt led to quote directly from this material as part of his 201o Budget presentation. I feel honored and humbled as God allows me to see this message resonate with other believers. It is Him not me at work.

Apple is having a problem with the link between my website and iTunes. This means that my podcasts are no longer available on iTunes. Please pray that this condition is temporary. While the podcasts are still available on my website , I don't want to lose my presence on iTunes.

Your Brothers In Christ,


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Praise Report

As of 01/13/10, our internet message has been received in:

45 States or Territories within the U.S.A

51 Countries Outside of the U.S.A.

6 Continents

Last night, someone from Dubai spent over 2 hours on the website. I will never know the breadth of God's purposes for this message, but His activity continues to be manifested. My prayer is that my efforts serve to glorify Him and bless his people.

Praise God!


Friday, January 01, 2010

Internet Bible Study - January 2010 - God's Plan For The Financial Support of His Ministry

During the last month, I have felt compelled to update the lesson on " God's Plan For The Financial Support of is Ministry". The changes are subtle but important in communicating the message God has given me to share. I believe the discussion flows better and the continuity of God's purposes is made clearer. The progression and harmony of His plan is revealed as we move through the Old and New Testaments. I sense that churches continue to struggle to find the scripture's harmony on this issue. So, I offer the the harmony that I see as the first lesson of the new year. It will be incorporated (along with a few other editorial changes) in the newly printed copies of the published workbook beginning sometime in February.

The role of tithes and offerings are discussed as elements of God’s plan for the support of ministry efforts and ministry workers. However, that support is meant to be the by-product rather than the goal of our giving. The Lord must always be the focus of our giving and that giving needs to be a response to our relationship with Him rather than compliance with external regulations. The work and workers of ministry are God's designated beneficiaries of our tangible gifts. As such they are dependent on our response to Him. As we respond to God, we also respond to them.

Reference Scripture:
Malachi 3:10 (Bring all the tithes)
Supporting Scriptures:
Leviticus 4 (sin offering)
Exodus 30: 11-16 (ransom offering)
Numbers 18:20-24 ( 1st tithe – ministry support)
Deuteronomy 14:22-26 (2nd tithe – pilgrimage)
Deuteronomy 26:12 & 14: 28-29 (3rd tithe – benevolence)
Malachi 3:8 (will a man rob God)
Exodus 25 (freewill offering – tabernacle)
Hebrews 9:11 – 10:18 (Christ’ death all sufficient offering for our sins)
Genesis 14: 14 – 20 ( Abram’s tithe)
Genesis 28:10 – 22 ( Jacob’s tithe)
Matthew 23:23 (Jesus’ sanction of tithing)
Leviticus 27:30 & 32 (tithe belongs to God)
Deuteronomy 14:22 – 23 (so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God)
Numbers 18: 20 – 24 (Levites received no inheritance in the promised land)
Deuteronomy 14: 27 – 29 ( ( remember the Levites who have no inheritance)
Numbers 18: 8 -20 (offerings given to the Levites)
Luke 9: 1 - 6 (Jesus sends forth the 12 disciples)
Luke 10: 1 - 16 (Jesus sends forth 72 additional disciples)
Matthew 25: 31 – 46 (Jesus’ priority on the less fortunate – sheep & goats)
1Corintians 9: 13 – 14 ( those who preach the gospel should live of the gospel)
2 Corinthians 9: 7 (cheerful giver)
2 Corinthians 9: 12 - 13 (Men will praise God for their obedience and sharing)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.
