Friday, December 11, 2009

Praise Reports

Thanks for your prayers. My message was well received by St Paul AME Church in Springfield. I was particularly encouraged by the pastor's openness to its principles. She thought it was material worthy of being taught in seminary. She is using the workbook in Wednesday night Bible Class and the new book in a small group Women's Bible Study. She wants me to come back next year and reinforce the message. The regional elder also attended. He gladdened my heart when he observed "We spend a lot of time asking people to give money, but your message is that God wants them to give themselves." Hallelujah!

Last night, I had some time to kill while I awaited the end of my sons basketball practice. I felt led to visit the Wheaton Library (which is nearby). By the way, I never do this. I'm not a library person. I don't have a card. To my surprise, I discovered that they ordered a copy of the workbook in November and someone had already put it on hold awaiting its arrival. Pretty neat. God continues to affirm His activity in this effort and that He is pursuing His plans and purposes. What He is doing is much bigger than me. I seek to do my part but the increase and glory are His.

Yours In Christ


Sunday, December 06, 2009

Internet Bible Study - December 2009 - A Matter of Perspective


Following the discussion on ownership is an examination of perspective. Sometimes the issue is not one of true ownership but of physical possession or control. Our society has become comfortable with the assumption of ownership through physical possession. The parable of the unjust stewards is examined to shed light on God’s view of this perspective.

Reference Scripture:

Mark 12: 1 – 12 ( unfaithful stewards)

Supporting Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 4:7 (what do you have that you did not receive)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.


Monday, November 02, 2009

Praise Report (Black Christian News) recently chose to list my new book as "News of Special Interest To The Christian Community". The new book was also listed as #9 on their October list of national bestsellers by African-American Authors (Nonfiction - Published by Independent Publishers). Praise God!


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Prayer Request

St Paul AME Church in Springfield has designated November as stewardship month at their church. They will feature my book and workbook (More Than The Gift) during this month of teaching and emphasis. The pastor has requested that I be their guest speaker for morning worship on November 29th at the end of the effort. I request your prayers that God would use me to bless his people and bring glory to his name.



Saturday, October 31, 2009

Internet Bible Study - October and November 2009

The October and November lessons have been posted on the website.


The reader is asked to consider the weight of God’s question “Will a man rob God” and its answer. The reference scripture shows God’s view that Israel’s pattern of giving was reflective of their fellowship with Him. God’s call for offertory giving was not an end unto itself but rather a method of drawing His people unto Himself.

Reference Scripture:

Malachi 3: 6 – 8 (Will a man rob God)

Supporting Scriptures:



Our attitudes regarding giving are often influenced by our confusion over ownership. Readers are reminded that God is the creator and owner of all things. It is He who gives to us and entrusts us with stewardship. Even our offertory giving is from the storehouse of His possession.

Reference Scripture:

Psalms 24:1 (Earth is the Lord’s)

Supporting Scriptures:

1 Corinthians 6: 19 & 20 (you are not your own, you are bought with a price)

Acts 17: 28 & 29 ( we are His offspring)

Romans 8:15 (Abba Father)

Acts 17: 24 – 28 (God not served by human hands, God gives that we might seek Him and find Him)

1 Chronicles 29: 10 – 16 ( King David – we have given only what comes from your hand)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Internet Bible Study - September 2009 - Ritual or Relationship

Two reference scriptures are used to illustrate Jesus’ view of giving in the context of relationships. In His comments Jesus both affirms the value of giving and emphasizes the priority of nurturing relationships. The focus of the relationship building about which Jesus spoke is our human relationships. The discussion explores how the scripture intertwines the nurturing of our human relationships with the nurturing of our spiritual relationship with the Father.

Reference Scripture:

Matthew 23:23 (you have neglected the more important matters – justice, mercy)

Matthew 5: 21 – 24 (first go and be reconciled with your brother)

Supporting Scriptures:

2 Corinthians 9: 1&2, 12 – 15 (effect of Corinthian giving on others)

John 17: 1 – 3 (This is eternal life)

Matthew 22: 35 – 40 (1st & 2nd commandment love God , love neighbor)

1 John 4: 7&8; 12 – 20 (love one another, love comes from God)

John 13: 34 – 35 ( by this shall all men know you are my disciples)

John 17: 20 – 22 (Jesus’ prayer for our oneness)

2 Corinthians 9:7 (cheerful giving)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Book Review - More Than the Gift: A Love Relationship

The new book received a review from The Black Christian Book Review. It reads in part:

"Larry Robinson who has served as budget chairperson in his local church is a gentleman worth listening to when it comes to a discussion on Christian giving or tithing. More Than The Gift by Larry Robinson challenges Christians to examine just exactly what Christian giving is all about--Is it simply giving a ten percent of one's money, or is there more to it?

Your giving to God will become more meaningful after reading More Than The Gift."

I praise God for this positive review.


September 2009 Web Promo

Today I published a new web video to You Tube and Tangle. It has a stronger flavor than the previous videos. The added spice was intentional.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Author's Spotlight On Black Christian News

Below is the URL to a promo on me and the new book from Black Christian News. The link tool in blogger doesn't appear to be working so you'll ned to cut and paste the URL to visit the site:


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Faith Report

It appears that the book distributor has confused the files between the workbook and the new book. Their multiple attempts to correct the problem have only made matters worse. So, the inconsistent display of the book covers and book content on the Internet book sites continues at a time when interest in the new book appears to be building. I request that you join me believing that all things work together for good for those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. We are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us.

I will not be discouraged. God will be glorified and His purposes served.


Saturday, September 05, 2009

Praise Report

On Friday, More Than The Gift: A Love Relationship was listed by as their #1 selling "new release" in the Stewardship category. I continue to praise God for His activity both the seen and the unseen.


P.S. "Worldwide Impact"

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Praise Report

I have understood from the beginning that I would only personally witness a small portion of God's activity through this ministry effort. The scripture is clear that we should walk by faith and not by sight so I must take care not to get caught up in a numbers game. Still, I was encourage to notice that on Monday the new book was listed as the #2 best selling new release in the stewardship category.

Also on Barnes & Noble, a reader of the Workbook Edition gave it a 5-star" rating

We praise God for his activity, both the seen and the unseen.

Pray for "Worldwide Impact."


Monday, August 24, 2009

New Book Praise Report and Update

Praise Report
Over the weekend, the new book: More Than The Gift: A Love Relationship was listed as the 3rd best selling new release in the stewardship category.

After a year of trying to contact him, I received a call from my former pastor from St Paul AME Church in Cambridge, MA. After 30 years of pastoring this church he is now retired. The church staff forwarded my correspondence to him in Florida. He called me last week and shared that in this phase of his ministry he feels a burden to teach regarding the "Promises of God" and that one of his areas of interest is the topic of giving. He was excited about reading my book.

There has been a mixup in the electronic files between the workbook and the new book. The content of the new book appears on the page for the workbook on the website and the cover for the workbook is being shown as the cover for the new book on the website. The problems are being corrected.

Please keep praying for Worldwide Impact.


Thursday, August 13, 2009 "Look Inside" Feature

I have decided to utilize Amazon's "Look Inside" feature to give potential buyers a "sneak preview" of the book's content. This feature allows individuals to preview the front cover, back cover, table of contents, first chapter, a random passage or a passage containing a key word of their choice. I was previously hesitant to use this feature because of some of the contract language but I decided to trust the Lord with that issue. The feature is now active. While the feature is intended to increase sales, I pray that the previewed messages bless the previewers whether they ultimately purchase the book or not.


Friday, August 07, 2009

What I Believe

It dawned on me that visitors to this website would probably desire or need some perspective on my belief system. Outlined below is a summary of some of my central beliefs that are relevant to the subject of this website and ministry. The list is representative, not exhaustive.

About My Faith

I believe in one God who is manifested in three person: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit

I believe in the inspiration, inerrancy and sufficiency of the Holy Scripture

I believe that all have sinned

I believe that the wages of sin is death and that man cannot save himself from that death

I believe that eternal life is about the depth of our relationship with the Lord rather than the length of our existence. Every soul will live forever either in the presence of the Lord or apart from His presence

I believe that Jesus (The Son) is the way, truth and life and that no on comes to the Father except through Him.

I believe in Jesus’ virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death for the sins of the world and bodily resurrection

I believe that our salvation is a gift from God, made possible by the atoning death of Jesus and is available to be received by anyone who places their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior

I believe in the present-age ministry of The Holy Spirit, who lives in believers, gifts them and guides them

I believe in the present-age ministry of the church (the body of Christ) to tangibly demonstrate the love of Jesus in and to the world, to model discipleship and to make disciples

I believe that Jesus will return to judge the world and receive His bride the church

About Our Giving
I believe the opportunity to give is a gift from God to us.

I believe that God’s purposes for Christian giving always has been and continues to be about much more than the gift itself.

I believe that the attitudes and substance of our giving present mirrors that reflect back to us the condition and quality of our relationship with God.

I believe that God uses our giving to nurture our relationship with Him and each other, witness to the world and bring glory to His name.

I believe our stewardship is intended for our benefit. It is a role of preparation in our relationship with the Lord. It prepares us for ownership of our eternal inheritance and the true riches He has ordained for us since before the dawn of creation.

I believe that God must be the focus of our giving rather than the blessings He gives to us as a natural consequence of that giving.

I advocate Generous Giving. While I want believers to start tithing, I don't want them to stop there. I believe that our obsession with arguing over the appropriateness of tithing as the model for Christian giving is a distraction of the adversary. It causes us to lose focus on God and His purposes for our giving. I believe that tithing was never meant to be a goal unto itself, but rather a path intended to lead us to a higher destination in our relationship with the Lord. Deuteronomy 14:23b gives a glimpse of the tithe’s purpose: “..... so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always” (NIV). I believe that tithing was/is intended as training wheels for our spiritual development. It provides a developmental step as we grow in spiritual maturity and in our willingness to submit our all to the Lord. Submission to the discipline of tithing lays a foundation on which a life of total submission and generous giving can be built. Our Lord seeks our willingness to surrender our all to Him but it is hard to surrender 100% if we struggle with giving 10%.


Praise Report

There have been a number of setbacks in the loading of the book's data on the Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites. The title was initially listed as "More Than The Gift" rather than "More Than The Gift - A Love Relationship". This has caused confusion between the workbook and the new book. Also the image of the book cover has yet to be loaded.

The waiting is the hard part but I choose not to be discouraged. God is greater than any challenge the adversary can set before me. While the battle of difficulty is not over, I choose to Praise God is advance for the victory.

Praise the Lord!


P.S. Please continue to pray these words with me: Worldwide Impact!

Sunday, August 02, 2009


I would like to introduce you to an organization that I believe is equally committed to moving the body of Christ from ritualistic giving to relational giving. It's name is Generous Giving. As their name suggests, the founders have discovered the freedom that exists as we move past legalism in our giving. The story of Generous Giving began in the 1990s when five friends came together, challenged by the question of what could happen if Christians were truly generous with their resources, living out the joy of giving instead of the duty of tithing. They have amassed a tremendous array of resources and references to help guide believers on that journey of spiritual growth.

I have included a link to their website in "Sites you might not know."


Saturday, August 01, 2009

Now Available: More Than The Gift - A Love Relationship

My new book: More Than The Gift - A Love Relationship is now available for ordering from numerous online book stores including:,,,, and These sights are still loading the details regarding the book but their acceptance of orders began today. In concert with the book's availability, we are coordinating the distribution of an email press release. The initial release will go to approximately 60,000 church leaders next week. Today I also published the following web promo on You Tube:

Please pray that this ministry effort would bring glory to God and draw His people closer to him and each other.

Repeat these words with me: "Worldwide Impact"


Videos and Web Promos Link

I've expanded my Internet presence to include channels on You Tube and Tangle (formerly God Tube). Links to those channels are in the right margin under "Internet Links and Additional Resources". It is my desire to add a new promo each month for the next few months. Also, in the future I will include excerpts from speaking and teaching engagements. I continue to try to minister to people where they are.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Praise Report

I will never fully appreciate the impact of what God is doing with the message He has given me but every now and then He gives me a glimpse. While searching the Internet last night, I discovered that the Christian Leadership Alliance had placed my website on their list of Recommended Websites. They described it as " A new and innovative annual appeal program for congregations."

The CLA is an association that serves more than 8,000 members working in more than 4,500 organizations worldwide. The former Christian Management Association and the former Christian Stewardship Association joined together in April 2008 to create Christian Leadership Alliance—the nation's leading resource for enhancing the organizational effectiveness of churches and para-church ministries.

A link to their website is included under "Sites you might not know about."

Also, an online book store in Australia and 2 in India are carrying the workbook for sale.

Praise God!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Internet Bible Study - August 2009 - A Love problem

Internet Bible Study
This lesson examines the traditions surrounding Valentine’s Day and then draws parallels to Christian practices in offertory giving. It suggests the premise that our relationship with God is a love affair and that giving is a fundamental expression of love. Trouble in our attitudes toward offertory giving reflects problems in our love relationship with God.
Reference Scripture:
John 3:16
Supporting Scriptures:
Mt. 20:28 (Jesus gave his life)
John 15: 13 (greatest love – give life for friend)
Ephesians 5:25 (husbands love wives like Christ who gave himself for the church)
Romans 8:32 (God gave his son for us)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Coming Soon; More Than the Gift - A Love Relationship

The input received has been invaluable. The book is a better manuscript because of your input and prayers. We've gone to press. The book will be available from and at the beginning of August.

My goal was/is to remain faithful to God's leading and message. I believe I have done that. I have no agenda other than obedience. I would never have chosen this topic on my own. Yet, I am excited and humbled by the revelation that I have received. I am planting this seed in obedience and look to God for its watering, increase and harvest.

From my perspective this is not about me. It is certainly not about self-promotion. Yet, I have come to realize that from God's perspective, I am the project. Each assignment is always part of His plan to advance the kingdom within us and conform us into the image of Christ. Please pray that the book will glorify our God, bless the body of Christ and that the process will help accomplish in me that which God intends.

Yours In Christ,

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

New Book Update

I just signed off on the manuscript for More Than The Gift - A Love Relationship. It will be published in August and available on and This is an important step in this ministry. I sense that this book is a key component in the work God is accomplishing in His kingdom through this ministry. Please pray that this seed bears fruit.

I feel led to explore and utilize a variety of marketing initiatives. I pray for discernment. Attached is the July You Tube Video.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Editor's Comment

Recently, the editor of my (soon to be released) second book made this comment:

“I should also remember to pray for guidance in editing this book especially since I'm sure it's destined to bring enlightenment to countless Christians around the world. I'm in awe of the inspiration you received in conceiving and writing the book. I expect there will be many requests for permission to translate it into many languages soon after it's released.” 

I thank God for the encouragement those words brought me. He is editing the book from Panama so the comments contained added meaning. As I reflect on them, I pray that they are more than words of flattery but words of prophetic truth.


Internet Bible Study - June/July

I've been negligent in posting new chapters for this study. I am committed to getting back on track. I have attached two new lessons for your study.

Tithes and offerings are discussed as God’s plan for the support of ministry efforts and ministry workers. However, in God’s financial plan, the Lord must always be the focus of the giving. The work and workers of ministry are His designated beneficiaries of the tangible gift. Emphasis is given to the fact that tithes and offerings as a pattern of giving to the Lord preceded Judaism as a religion and the Mosaic Law as a religious practice and still remains relevant for the Christian Church.
Reference Scripture:
Malachi 3:10 (Bring all the tithes)
Supporting Scriptures:
Leviticus 4 (sin offering)
Exodus 30: 11-16 (ransom offering)
Numbers 18:20-24 ( 1st tithe – ministry support)
Deuteronomy 14:22-26 (2nd tithe – pilgrimage)
Deuteronomy 26:12 & 14: 28-29 (3rd tithe – benevolence)
Malachi 3:8 (will a man rob God)
Exodus 25 (freewill offering – tabernacle)
2 Chronicles 7 ( freewill offering Solomon)
Hebrews 9:11 – 10:18 (Christ’ death all sufficient offering for our sins)
Genesis 14: 14 – 20 ( Abram’s tithe)
Genesis 28:10 – 22 ( Jacob’s tithe)
Matthew 23:23 (Jesus’ sanction of tithing)
Leviticus 27:30 & 32 (tithe belongs to God)
Deuteronomy 14:22 – 23 (so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God)
Numbers 18: 20 – 24 (Levites received no inheritance in the promised land)
Deuteronomy 14: 27 – 29 ( ( remember the Levites who have no inheritance)
Numbers 18: 8 -20 (offerings given to the Levites)
Matthew 25: 31 – 46 (Jesus’ priority on the less fortunate – sheep & goats)
1Corintians 9: 13 – 14 ( those who preach the gospel should live of the gospel)
2 Corinthians 9: 7 (cheerful giver)
2 Corinthians 9: 12 - 13 (Men will praise God for their obedience and sharing)

While the workers and work of the ministry are beneficiaries of the tangible substance of offertory giving, its full impact is intended by God to be more far reaching. The benefit is intended to be reciprocal. An examination of the Biblical account of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath demonstrates how God uses giving to establish a relationship of mutual benefit between His ministry and the recipients of ministry efforts.
Reference Scripture:
1 Kings 17: 1 – 23 ( Elijah and the widow)
Supporting Scriptures:
Luke 10: 1 – 9 ( Jesus send the 72, take no purse, eat what they give you)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Please keep praying for this ministry.


Sunday, June 07, 2009

General Update & New Website

I sense momentum building as I work toward the publication of the second book. The copy-editing process in progressing smoothly and the editor has been particularly encouraging (I'll share about that in another Blog). I have developed a series of web-video promos. I plan to launch one each month (God willing) on You Tube and God Tube for the balance of the year. I have developed four so far but I'm having difficulty getting the sound to work for the God Tube upload. I've created a "channel" on You Tube so all the promos will be aggregated in a single place.

I've been encouraged to update my website, so I have. My original design was intentionally simple and formal. This time, I've tried to lighten-up "a little". Next time I'll add a photo of me without a jacket and tie (if I can find one). I have limited my design options to the iWeb templates on my iMac because of their seemless integration with the iMac tools I use to manage the whole project and the minimal cost. At this juncture, I am running a very low budget operation. There are obvious limitations to my skills and tools but prayerfully the fresh look and incorporation of the web-videos will enhance the usability of the site.

Please continue to prayer as I move forward under God's leading.


Monday, May 25, 2009

WebVideo Promo

With the development of the second book and a few seminar templates, I am now comfortable with increasing the visibility of the project. I wanted to have an array of materials to offer and the second book was a critical component of the portfolio. This second book will make it much easier for readers to understand and convey how the messages I have received are connected to each other. The internet will continue to be my primary source of marketing. It is the least expensive and has a worldwide reach. The effort will build gradually as I polish and expand my seminar and group presentation materials.

Today I published the project's first promotional piece on You Tube. Please view it on You Tube under the title "More Than The Gift"or my website: Using the quotation marks on You Tube will expedite your search!

Please keep praying!

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Book - More Than Than The Gift -A Love Relationship

I ask for your prayers as I finalize the next book for publication. This book is based on the podcasts. While covering similar material as the workbook, it is organized to reveal how God is leading me to connect-the-dots. It is formatted as a devotional. I anticipate publication mid-to-late summer.

I asked Eddy Gordon to design a cover that was visually linked to the first book. He created something special. It moves me. I pray that it inspires you.


Monday, March 09, 2009

Monday's Meditation - Brochures

Brochures are now available for the recent podcasts:

- Bringing Glory To God

- The Giver's Willingness

Links are on the right-hand margin of this page

Friday, March 06, 2009

Monday's Meditation - March 09, 2009 - Bringing Glory To God

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

Bringing Glory To God

Discussions regarding Christian offertory giving can get bogged down by battles over which biblical principles should guide our giving. I think that part of the problem arises as we focus on scriptures in isolation rather than also trying to connect-the-dots. I have purposefully chosen to illustrate these lessons from both Old and New Testament scriptures. I have offered a glimpse of how God is leading me to connect-the-dots. The messages that I have received flow from the harmony and wholeness of God’s Word. God has not changed and He has been unveiling His purposes and plans for our giving since the time of Cain and Abel. Revelation of those purposes and plans are found throughout the Holy Scriptures, yet the church continues to struggle with interpretations of the messages and their appropriate application.

While I have tried to provide a harmonizing perspective through this lesson series, I have little doubt that differences of opinion will remain until Christ’s return. I’m reminded of Paul’s discussions of legalism and grace regarding the eating of meat that had been offered to idols. Paul knew that the insights he offered would not conclusively settle the debate. So, he concludes his discussion by saying “whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV) I can think of no sounder advice on which to base this last lesson. In Isaiah 43:7 we are told that God created those who are called by His name for His glory. I will conclude this lesson series by attempting to point us and our offerings toward that purpose.

This is the final podcast in the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Monday's Meditation - March 02, 2009 - The Giver's Willingnesson For Eternity

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

The Giver's Willingness

Abraham had waited 25 years for the fulfillment of God’s promise and then (when Abraham was 100 years old) the fulfillment came. Sarah bore her only child, Abraham’s son, Abraham’s heir. Isaac was a source of great joy and hope for Abraham. Isaac was a symbol of God’s faithfulness and promises of blessing. So, I can’t imagine the thoughts Abraham had and emotions he felt when God requested that he offer Isaac’s life as a burnt offering. In spite of what he may have felt, Abraham’s response was amazing. Abraham exhibited no hesitancy. He did not question, barter or argue with God. He arose early the next morning and began his journey to the appointed place of sacrifice. Abraham exhibited great faith. On the third day, Abraham instructed his servants to stay with the donkeys while he and Isaac journeyed to the appointed place of worship. Before leaving them Abraham spoke words of faith, stating that both he and Isaac would return to them. The writer of Hebrews explains that Abraham was convinced that even if he sacrificed Isaac unto the Lord, God could raise Isaac from the dead. Abraham prepared to offer Isaac’s life not knowing that Isaac’s life was not the offering that God was really seeking. At the appointed time God provided Abraham with a substitute object of sacrifice, a ram in the bush. Why was a substitute acceptable? Why was a sacrifice of lesser value sufficient? It was acceptable because more than the tangible object of Abraham’s giving, the offering God was seeking was Abraham’s willingness to withhold nothing from Him. In raising the knife of sacrifice to offer his son, Abraham demonstrated to himself and us his unrestrained willingness to give his all to the Lord. No object of sacrifice was greater than the gift he had already given.

This podcast is a continuation the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "God Is Interested In More Than Just Our Gift".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Seminar - Baptist State Convention of Illinois - February 21, 2009

I will conduct a seminar for the Baptist State Convention of Illinois this Saturday at United Baptist Church, 4220 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago. I solicit your prayers that God would speak through me to bless His people and glorify Himself through the session.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Monday's Meditation - February 09, 2009 - Our Preparation For Eternity

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

Our Preparation For Eternity

In his recent best seller, The Treasure Principle, Randy Alcorn offers insight regarding how our handling of material possessions reveals the relative value we place on time and eternity. He portrays eternity as an endless line and time as a dot on that line. Given the insignificance of the dot when compared to the immeasurable length of the line, he suggests that a wise person should conduct their lives in light of line rather than the dot, in light of eternity rather than time. Two illustrations help clarify his point. First Randy suggests that most of us would think it odd if during an airplane flight, a passenger placed expensive draperies over the windows, hung pictures on the cabin wall and began redecorating the restroom. Someone expending so much effort to get comfortable on an airplane would puzzle us because both the duration of the flight and their residence on the plane would be relatively brief. It would seem a waste of resources to treat as permanent that which was clearly temporary.

Next Randy asks us to imagine that we lived in a southern state (that was part of the confederacy) as the civil war was coming to an end and victory by the Union soldiers was imminent. Randy points out that as the time of our living under the rule of one governmental system was coming to an end, it would make sense that we would be vigilant in preparing to live under the system that would replace it. Prudence would suggest that we convert as much confederate currency as possible to things that would be of value after the war ended because at the war’s end confederate currency would be worthless. So while a portion of our resources would continue to be used to sustain us, we would also urgently begin diverting resources in preparation for the transition.

While most of us like to think that we behave rationally, I have concluded that many of us spend our time decorating airplane cabins while not preparing to ever leave the plane and go home. Many of us spend our lives accumulating things without considering that they will soon become worthless. Many of us exhaust our life’s time and life’s resources without ever preparing for our inevitable transition from time to eternity.

This podcast is a continuation the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday's Meditation - February 16, 2009 - Our Preparation For Our Inheritance

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

Our Preparation For Our Inheritance

When our twin sons were infants, my wife and I researched investment options to save funds for their future. One very interesting option was a gift trust managed by a prominent investment firm. This investment had a remarkable track of performance. It had increased in value by more than 20% for each of the preceding 10 years. However, there was one characteristic of the trust that concerned us. It was an irrevocable trust, which required that any contributions we made become the permanent property of the trust for the benefit of our sons. We could put money in but we couldn’t decide later to take it out. At the predetermined time the trust would be available for our sons to use as they wished. We could not decide to withhold the funds if they made poor choices. That was a very scary thought because in spite of our love for our sons, we knew it was impossible to predict whether our infant sons would become wise stewards as adults. We had no desire to pre-fund unwise choices they might choose to make later. Prudence suggested that we invest the funds in a manner where we would retain control over their distribution. So, we chose not to commit substantial treasure to our sons’ ownership prior to their developing and demonstrating the judgment to handle it. However, we simultaneously committed to using a weekly allowance to help them acquire and demonstrate that judgment. While their allowance was small, it seemed big to them. It gave them the opportunity to acquire basic skills for handling wealth by practicing with a small amount. Handling their allowance was a foundational step in preparation for incremental increases in responsibility and eventually receipt of their inheritance. When I think about it, it becomes clear that God gives each of us opportunities for earthly stewardship to prepare us in very much the same way.

This podcast is a continuation the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Brochure - Positioned For Greater Blessing

A companion brochure for the podcast "Positioned For Greater Blessing" is now available. Brochures can be downloaded at no cost from this blog or the More Than The Gift website: Links are on the right-hand margin of this page

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday's Meditation - January 19, 2009 - Positioned For Greater Blessing

A new podcast has been published to the More Than The Gift website and iTunes Store:

Positioned For Greater Blessing

The Holy Scripture is full of rich and wonderful promises for the believer. They are exciting to uncover and humbling to ponder. Each promise reveals the matchless nature of God’s love for us and the benefits He wants us to experience through our relationship with Him. Some promises are simply our birthright, as we become daughters and sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Others promises are rewards or blessings that flow from our actions. In this spirit, God has ordained that abundant blessings flow from our giving. As a result, our giving actually positions us for greater blessings than we would otherwise experience. I am reminded of the Old Testament account of the widow from Zarephath. When Elijah met the widow, by her own admission, she and her family were positioned to die. Their circumstances had brought them to the point of starvation. Then God sent Elijah with a word of hope, but this word of promise was preceded by a request that the widow give from the very last of her provision. As she gave, she and her family were repositioned. Rather than being recipients of death, they became recipients of an increase in their food supply, an increase in health and an increase in faith. Greater blessings flowed from her giving than she ever imagined.

This podcast is a continuation the series of podcasts regarding the theme : "What Our Giving Accomplishes".

As always, I invite you to receive Monday’s Meditation as “food for thought “ for the week, then let it become “fuel for action” for the weekend and beyond.

The is audio podcast is available on my website: and the iTunes Store. Links are provided in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog. if you don't have iTunes on your computer, a link is provided below to download the iTunes software.

After listening to the podcast in the iTunes Store, I encourage you to offer a review and to send an invitation to a friend or loved one to listen also.

A separate link for the podcast website is also provided .

Use this blog for your comments, questions and testimonies regarding the episode.

Keep praying with me!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Leadership Seminar

As a result of the positive response of the church and its leadership to the principles of the More Than The Gift Project, I have been invited to conduct a leadership seminar for the ministerial staff and deacons of Progressive Baptist Church (Aurora, IL) on January 10, 2009. The senior pastor, Rev. Dr. Roy Brown, has committed to teach a 4-week series from the workbook during January and February of 2009. I solicit your prayers for the success of these efforts.
