Monday, September 04, 2006
The Journey - Voices (09/04/2006)
I have come to realize that this effort is not about being published. The goal is to share God's message. Book publication is one vehicle to achieve that end but it is not the only vehicle. I believe God desires that the conversation about giving within the Christian community would become more balanced. The contemporary church is rapidly developing a view of giving that is out of focus. Christians must see more than just benefits, requirements, ritual and obligation in their giving. We must see God! To do so our preaching, teaching and conversations must put God back at the center of our giving. He must be the focus!
I met with a portion of my support team yesterday. Thank God for their support. While the meeting was called a "book discussion", it became more. After discussing some questions regarding the book's content, we began exploring next steps. Our first goal is to make the message of the book, the language of our local congregation. Of course our talk needs to be confirmed by our walk but our first steps are to achieve consistency in what we preach, teach and say about giving. We committed in prayer to actively seek opportunity to spread the message both within and outside of our local congregation.
I impressed upon the group my believe that God is calling forth other "voices" to join me in this project. Some of the voices will provide counsel regarding content and format, others will assist as direct communicators of the message (preachers, teachers & witnesses) and others may do both. The initial call may be local in its nature but I hear the words of Jesus commissioning us as witnesses first in Jerusalem, then Judea and Samaria but ultimately to the utter most parts of the world. I expect others to join us. Consider whether you are being called to lend your voice to this message.
If this message speaks to your spirit, offer a comment, invite someone else to visit this site and/or share its content with someone you know. We must pursue the change in perspectives and conversations about giving one believer at a time with the expectation that the impact will be exponential. Such an expectation depends not so much on the power of the internet but rather on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Mirror of Giving.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
The Journey- 08/17/2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
If God doesn't need anything, why do we give offertory gifts?
In Acts 17: 24&25 Paul shares an enlightening perspective on God. He says that the God who made the world and everything in it " is not served by human hands , as if he needed anything. Rather he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else". God is the giver not the receiver. This passage prompts the question why God asks for our offertory gifts when he does not need anything?
As I've pondered this question a human parallel comes to mind. Parents of young children will often have their child give gifts on special occasions ( birthdays, Mother's Day, Christmas). The parent generally creates the opportunity to give because it is not the child's natural inclination to do so. The child must be taught. Whatever resources (money) that are used to buy the gift must be given to the child and then the child is allowed to participate in the acquisition and giving of the gift. It is rare that the child gives a gift that the recipient could not have purchased for themselves. The goal in the process isn't the gift itself but rather the lessons that the child learns. The lessons are about relationships. They are about love, honor, gratitude and respect. On the surface it appears that the child is the giver but in actuality he is the receiver.God does not ask for our gifts that He might add to His wealth. First, He gives of His wealth to us. Then He creates opportunities for us to give a portion back to Him. This is done for our benefit. He is teaching us and nurturing us that we might draw closer to Him in a deeper, fuller relationship. We give to Him not of substance that we actually own but of substance that we have received. He then gives to us the depths of Himself. We receive, then give but in doing so we receive the greater gift.