Saturday, August 02, 2008

Internet Bible Studies - July and August 2008

I apologize for my delay in posting the July Internet Bible Study. In light of the delay, I am posting both July and August simultaneously. The Internet Bible Study is now available on the More Than The Gift web site

The prophet Haggai warns of the consequences of using God’s possessions to enrich ourselves while we neglect the needs of ministry. Readers are reminded that if it seems that their financial gains yield no actual progress, it would be wise to give careful thought to their patterns of giving to determine whether they are neglecting God.

Reference Scripture:
Haggai 1: 1 – 7 (consider your ways)
Malachi 3: 8 – 9 (you are under a curse)
Supporting Scriptures:
Galatians 3 (redeemed from the curse by Christ)

This section gives a brief review of scriptural promises associated with our giving. Abundant blessings flow from giving that honors God with its content and our conduct. However, seeking to obtain the promises should never be the primary motivation for our giving. Readers are encouraged to honor God with their giving and then to view His blessings not as the goal but as a natural consequence of Godly Giving.

Reference Scripture:
Malachi 3: 10 – 12 poured out blessing)
Luke 6: 38 (Give and it will be given unto you)
Proverbs 3: 9 Honor the Lord with your wealth , firstfruits… then your barns will be filled to overflowing)
Supporting Scriptures:
Isaiah 46:11 (If God speaks it he will do it)
Psalms 27: 13 ( I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living)
Psalms 23 (my cup runneth over)
1 Kings 17 (Elijah & widow)
Matthew 14 (2 fish & 5 loaves)
Genesis 15: 1 ( I am thy exceedingly great reward)

Click on the link to the Internet Bible Study to review the full text of the lesson. The link is contained in the "Additional Resources" section of this blog.

Don't study alone. This is the world wide web. Invite a family member, friend, someone from another state or another country to join you.

Amazon Updated

As of August 1st, the workbook is ranked #2 in Amazon's "Hot New Releases" for the "Stewardship" category. That's a great way to start a new month. Praise God!

Thanks for your prayers! Don't stop!



Most of my internet traffic goes to my Blog site: However, I have an extensive web site: The Web site is intended to be the primary internet portal for the project. I invite you to visit it soon (a link is in the right-hand margin) . Let me know what you think. Thanks!